The Tom Woods Show

Find out about the best, and typically overlooked, music of 2014 in this great discussion with Brad Birzer!

Guest’s Websites

Progarchy (Brad is editor-at-large)
The Imaginative Conservative

Episodes Mentioned

Ep. 110: The First Money Bomb (Steve Hogarth)
Ep. 74: The Episode of the Year (Brad Birzer)
Ep. 3: Jethro Tull’s Ian Anderson (you can hear the raw sound of the early episodes on this one)

Articles Mentioned

Hit by a White Car: The Best 8 Albums of 2014,” by Brad Birzer
Brad’s discussion of the new Pink Floyd album


Brad’s Top 8 Albums of 2014

Cosmograf, Capacitor
John Bassett, Unearth
Fire Garden, Sound of Majestic Colors
Tin Spirits, Scorch
Fractal Mirror, Garden of Ghosts
Andy Tillison Multiplex, Electronic Sinfonia No. 2
Salander, Stendec
Newspaperflyhunting, Iceberg Soul

Other Albums Mentioned

Big Big Train, English Electric Full Power
Yes, Going for the One
Jethro Tull, Thick as a Brick
Ian Anderson, Thick as a Brick 2
Ian Anderson, Homo Erraticus

Direct download: woods_12_22_2014_3.mp3
Category:Talk Radio -- posted at: 6:13pm EST