The Tom Woods Show

Topics Discussed

  • What rights do individuals have?
  • How do we know they have these rights and no others?
  • Do animals have rights?
  • What’s wrong with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?
  • Why isn’t there a “right to a pension” or a “right to a paid vacation”?
  • Is there such a thing as natural law?
  • If so, what can it teach us?
  • Isn’t utilitarianism just as good a grounding for libertarianism?

About the Guest

Frank van Dun is a Belgian law philosopher and natural law theorist. He is a senior lecturer in the philosophy of law at the University of Ghent.

Guest’s Website

Frank van Dun

Articles Discussed

Human Dignity: Reason or Desire: Natural Rights versus Human Rights
Natural Law: A Logical Analysis
Argumentation Ethics and the Philosophy of Freedom

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Category:Talk Radio -- posted at: 6:05pm EDT