The Tom Woods Show

Here’s a basic overview of the economic and moral imperatives behind the free market. I think it’s pretty convincing, but then since I’m the speaker, I suppose I would. (No YouTube versions of the episodes from yesterday through Monday, since it would be redundant to create them.)

Organizer of This Event

Saint Charles County Liberty Project

Video of This Event

Why Economic Freedom? Here’s Why

Essay Mentioned

Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth,” by Ludwig von Mises

Special Offers

Here are 26 reasons to adopt Ron Paul’s homeschool curriculum today (and 4 not to). Sign up through this link and I’ll send you a FREE 10-lesson bonus course on the foundations of liberty, in time for the 2015-2016 academic year! Just drop me a line once you’ve signed up and I’ll get it to you.

I’ve just released a brand new, free eBook: 14 Hard Questions for Libertarians — AnsweredClick here to get your copy!

Direct download: woods_02_19_2015_2.mp3
Category:Talk Radio -- posted at: 10:22am EST