The Tom Woods Show

World War I was a catastrophe for Western civilization. One hundred years ago, on November 11th, it finally came to an end. Author and historian Hunt Tooley joins me for an assessment of the wars long-term consequences for all of us.

Show notes for Ep. 1281

Direct download: woods_2018_11_09.mp3
Category:Talk Radio -- posted at: 5:35pm EST

Were the midterm elections of repudiation of Trump, a mixed bag, or even an endorsement of Trump? What can we expect over the next two years, and what are the Democrats likely to do in 2020? Dan McCarthy, editor-at-large of The American Conservative and current editor of Modern Age, helps answer these questions.

Show notes for Ep. 1280

Direct download: woods_2018_11_08.mp3
Category:Talk Radio -- posted at: 7:30pm EST