The Tom Woods Show

Patreon is a platform that a lot of content creators use to raise money from appreciative fans who want to support them. But Patreon has joined the purge bandwagon, too. What alternative do people have? It turns out that cryptocurrency, and a brand new platform, are major pieces of that puzzle. Naomi Brockwell joins me to discuss.

Show notes for Ep. 1305

Direct download: woods_2018_12_14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:21pm EST

Stephan Kinsella, the libertarian theorist and author of "Against Intellectual Property", asked me the other day about my college admission experience. He and I each have a child in the tenth grade, so the topic of college comes up in our households. I didn't think I had much interesting to say about it, but we decided he would in effect host this episode and ask me questions. The resulting conversation turned out to be great!

Show notes for Ep. 1304

Direct download: woods_2018_12_13.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:30pm EST