The Tom Woods Show

Gary Chartier has written an excellent book on business ethics that situates one's life in the market within an overall framework of human flourishing. He covers a variety of controversial topics with great skill, and in such a way as to be most persuasive to people unfamiliar with our ideas. In this episode we discuss what it means to live a good life, and then proceed to issues like property, advertising, boycotts, corporate social responsibility, labor and workplace issues, and more.

WARNING: Audio glitch at 22:10. Turn your volume down a bit if you have sensitive ears. It was unfixable.

Show notes for Ep. 1432

Direct download: woods_2019_06_21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00pm EST

Two great Michaels join me today: Michael Boldin, founder and executive director of the Tenth Amendment Center, and Michael Heise, founder of the Mises Caucus of the Libertarian Party. We get updates from both Michaels, I ask them what it's like to engage in this kind of activism in the age of Trump, and they discuss how the two of them are collaborating in fruitful ways in support of worthy state-level initiatives. Fun!

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Show notes for Ep. 1431

Direct download: woods_2019_06_20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:30pm EST