The Tom Woods Show

James Otteson is the author of an excellent new book: Honorable Business: A Framework for Business in a Just and Humane Society. He discusses the purpose of business, outlines a sound approach to business ethics, and contends that contrary to popular prejudice, business can play an important role in building a just and humane society. So I ask him, as devil's advocate: can there be a genuine code of business ethics in a market economy? Wouldn't the most unscrupulous earn the highest profits and displace more ethical firms? And as for business firms and "treating people the right way," as Otteson titles one of his chapters, what about businesses whose closures decimate a whole town? Plenty to discuss in this important episode!

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Show notes for Ep. 1442

Direct download: woods_2019_07_05.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm EST