The Tom Woods Show

In Murthy v. Missouri the Court refused to consider the merits of a free-speech case because the plaintiffs allegedly lacked "standing," but as the dissent argues, all the elements for standing were present, and the Court most certainly should have ruled on the merits. Tracy Beanz, who's followed the case closely, joins us.

Sponsors: Monetary Metals & Persist SEO

Show notes for Ep. 2511

Direct download: woods_2024_06_29.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00pm EST

Gene and I discuss his two debates at the most recent Porcfest: one on whether consequentialist arguments (e.g., capitalism makes us rich) or arguments based on first principles (e.g., the nonaggression principle) work better to persuade people to adopt our point of view. We also say a bit about Gene's debate with David Friedman over the Austrian and Chicago schools of economics.

Sponsors: Virtual Storefronts & Persist SEO

Guest's Website: The Soho Forum 

Guest's Twitter: @genesohoforum

Show notes for Ep. 2510

Direct download: woods_2024_06_28.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00pm EST

Gerard Casey, professor emeritus of philosophy at University College, Dublin, wrote a massive history of political thought from a libertarian perspective, called Freedom's Progress? A History of Political Thought. Today I throw questions at him about Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, primarily related to what people who favor a free society should think about them.

Book Discussed: Freedom's Progress? A History of Political Thought

Sponsors: Monetary Metals & Persist SEO

Show notes for Ep. 2509

Direct download: woods_2024_06_27.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00pm EST

Kyle Anzalone, news editor at the Libertarian Institute and opinion editor at, joins me for a review of the state of major conflicts.

Sponsors: Persist SEO & Blinkist

Guest's Websites:
Guest's Twitter: @KyleAnzalone_

Show notes for Ep. 2508

Direct download: woods_2024_06_21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00pm EST

Christopher Coyne of George Mason University has discovered. drearily predictable pattern of terrible decisions in one American war after another.

Sponsors: Monetary Metals & Factor

Book Discusssed: How to Run Wars: A Confidential Playbook for the National Security Elite

Show notes for Ep. 2507

Direct download: woods_2024_06_20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00pm EST

The question had been asked: what if Trump is convicted? Will he be irreparably damaged among independents? Is there a Plan B? Syndicated columnist and Modern Age editor Dan McCarthy joins us to discuss where Trump stands now, along with many other topics in this potpourri episode.

Sponsors: Policy Genius & CrowdHealth

Guest's Website: Modern Age: 

Guest's Twitter: @ToryAnarchist

Show notes for Ep. 2506

Direct download: woods_2024_06_19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00pm EST

Vivek returns to the show to discuss his plan for a floundering BuzzFeed as well as the urgency of fending off the left in 2024.

Sponsors: Monetary Metals & Omaha Steaks: This Father's Day don't get dad another pair of socks or a knick-knack that'll just clutter up the house. Get him steaks, with a gift package from Omaha Steaks. Get a special discount when you use code WOODS when shopping Father's Day gift packages at

Vivek on Twitter: @VivekGRamaswamy

Show notes for Ep. 2505

Direct download: woods_2024_06_14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00pm EST

With much frustration over the 2024 Libertarian Party nominee, where does the Libertarian Party go from here? Chair Angela McArdle joins us.

Sponsors: Bank on Yourself & Omaha Steaks: This Father's Day don't get dad another pair of socks or a knick-knack that'll just clutter up the house. Get him steaks, with a gift package from Omaha Steaks. Get a special discount when you use code WOODS when shopping Father's Day gift packages at

Guest's Website: Libertarian Party
Guest's Patreon: Angela McArdle

Show notes for Ep. 2504

Direct download: woods_2024_06_13.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00pm EST

The outstanding Congressman Thomas Massie joins us for a wide-ranging discussion, including the never-before-told story of how he and Donald Trump reconciled after Trump supported his primary opponent.

Sponsors: Monetary Metals & Omaha Steaks: This Father's Day don't get dad another pair of socks or a knick-knack that'll just clutter up the house. Get him steaks, with a gift package from Omaha Steaks. Get a special discount when you use code WOODS when shopping Father's Day gift packages at

Guest's Twitter: @RepThomasMassie

Show notes for Ep. 2503

Direct download: woods_2024_06_12.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00pm EST

Jeremy Kauffman, who has served on the board of the Free State Project and run for US Senate as a Libertarian, thinks support for Donald Trump is the wisest move for libertarians in 2024 -- and yes, he is well aware of Trump's weaknesses.

Sponsors: Blinkist & Omaha Steaks: This Father's Day don't get dad another pair of socks or a knick-knack that'll just clutter up the house. Get him steaks, with a gift package from Omaha Steaks. Get a special discount when you use code WOODS when shopping Father's Day gift packages at

Show notes for Ep. 2502

Direct download: woods_2024_06_06.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00pm EST

Clint Russell ran for the LP's vice presidential nomination and shared the stage with Vivek Ramaswamy at the recent convention. We talk about how things unfolded in terms of the nomination process but also about personalities: Donald Trump, Vivek, Chase Oliver, and the guy in the thong.

Sponsors: Persist SEO & Monetary Metals & Omaha Steaks: This Father's Day don't get dad another pair of socks or a knick-knack that'll just clutter up the house. Get him steaks, with a gift package from Omaha Steaks. Get a special discount when you use code WOODS when shopping Father's Day gift packages at

Guest's Podcast: Liberty Lockdown

Guest's Twitter: @LibertyLockPod

Show notes for Ep. 2501

Direct download: woods_2024_06_05.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00pm EST

Robert Barnes, for my money the best legal commentator out there, discusses what happened, and what it means.


Omaha Steaks: This Father's Day don't get dad another pair of socks or a knick-knack that'll just clutter up the house. Get him steaks, with a gift package from Omaha Steaks. Get a special discount when you use code WOODS when shopping Father's Day gift packages at

The Tom Woods Cruise: Join me for an exciting week at sea!

Guest's Website:
Guest's Podcast: VivaBarnesLaw
Guest's Locals: VivaBarnesLaw

Show notes for Ep. 2500

Direct download: woods_2024_06_01.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Jennifer Bilek has been writing on gender and transgender issues for many years, and has made particular note of the big money involved.

Sponsors: Monetary Metals & Bank on Yourself

Guest's Substack: Jennifer Bilek Substack
Guest's Website:

Show notes for Ep. 2499

Direct download: woods_2024_05_31.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00pm EST