Wed, 25 July 2018
Rebecca Brown joins me to discuss The Innocence Project, which helps prevent and identify wrongful convictions, and get compensation for people released from prison. What are the factors that combine to yield wrongful convictions? We discuss that and a lot more. |
Tue, 24 July 2018
The prolific libertarian scholar Walter Block joins me for a fascinating look at his life in the libertarian world, from his days as a social democrat through libertarianism and beyond. |
Fri, 20 July 2018
The great comedian Dave Smith, host of Part Of The Problem, discusses joining the Libertarian Party, the current hysteria about Trump and Russia, and how his podcast became so successful. |
Wed, 18 July 2018
Judge Andrew Napolitano, senior judicial analyst at the FOX News Channel, joins me to discuss Trump's most recent Supreme Court nominee as well as the names the Judge would have preferred, plus the Judge's opinion on the worst decisions in the Court's history, and much more. Thanks to the folks in my Supporting Listeners group for submitting questions! |
Tue, 17 July 2018
I strongly urge you to listen to this episode. These are my opening remarks to this year's Mises University program at the Mises Institute. I discuss two sets of ungrateful people. The first: socialists. I go into detail about the improvements in the lives of everyone, but especially the desperately poor, under the free market. The numbers are frankly miraculous. And all these folks can think to do is shout at their employers through bullhorns. Then I take on those libertarians who spend their time denouncing Ron Paul, Murray Rothbard, Walter Block, and other prolific and productive libertarians. This section is especially savage, but not gratuitously so. Just the right amount of savage. |
Mon, 16 July 2018
In popular discourse, consumer safety is one of the most frequently cited reasons for government oversight. Neil Thanedar, my guest today, is co-founder and CEO of Labdoor, which can accomplish more than the FDA even claims to be able to, and more efficiently and inexpensively. |
Fri, 13 July 2018
Dan McCarthy, editor of the venerable journal Modern Age, recently suggested in the Spectator that the Trump phenomenon may have taken the air out of the so-called libertarian moment -- partly because that moment wasn't as libertarian as people thought. Plenty to think about here, and no conversation with Dan is ever dull. |
Thu, 12 July 2018
![]() Tim Moen, the leader of the Libertarian Party of Canada, is an anarcho-capitalist in the Rothbardian tradition. That gives him an interesting perspective on libertarian politics and strategy, and I ask him some tough questions. A juicy episode! |
Mon, 9 July 2018
Once in a while I feature a listener who's doing something particularly interesting. My guest today, Noah Tetzner, hosts a popular podcast on the history of the Vikings, and also has the world figured out far better than I ever did at 17. |
Fri, 6 July 2018
The brilliant Murray Sabrin, professor of finance at Ramapo College, is running for U.S. Senate as a Libertarian. We discuss the race, yes, but we cover a great deal else as well: how to help the poor without government involvement, how to understand money (and which book to read), what a professor of finance knows that political candidates don't, Murray's family history in Poland, the right of self-defense, why Rothbard sat on Murray's Ph.D. dissertation committee (Rothbard did this for only two people ever), and a lot more. |
Wed, 4 July 2018
Here's a wide-ranging conversation full of the kind of info none of us got in school. When did the federal government first go off the rails? Does the Constitution do any good? (You may be surprised at my answer.) What is the role of the states in the American system? And lots more. Thanks to the Libertarian Christian Podcast for letting me use my appearance on their program. |
Mon, 2 July 2018
At the recent event in New Orleans sponsored by the Mises Caucus of the Libertarian Party I spoke very bluntly about what a libertarian party should be doing and the good that it could accomplish, and contrasted that with the missed opportunities and self-sabotage that continues to plague it. |
Thu, 28 June 2018
I recently joined former game show host Chuck Woolery on his Blunt Force Truth podcast to talk about all kinds of issues, ranging from Confederate monuments to Austrian economics to constitutional law and a lot more. Enjoy! |
Wed, 27 June 2018
Gene Epstein joins me to make if anything an even more radical case against the existing education system than Bryan Caplan does in the latter's recent book The Case Against Education. Whatever "but surely you agree we have to have X!" arguments you've heard, Gene anticipates and smashes them in this episode. |
Tue, 26 June 2018
Nathan Dempsey, creator of Liberty Minecraft, discusses what a game involving money, property, and nonaggression might teach us about organizing society -- and what he learned when he set up, side by side, a place that recognized and a place that did not recognize private property. |
Mon, 25 June 2018
There's plenty of good material in today's episode, but I'm especially pleased with the lightning round, where I was asked ten major questions of interest to libertarians and given 60 seconds to answer each. Fun! (I'm sharing my recent appearance on the Johnny Rocket Launch Pad, which has now been succeeded by Blast Off! with Johnny Rocket.) |
Fri, 22 June 2018
My guest today is known on social media by her pseudonym The Pholosopher. She's been very successful at spreading the message of voluntaryism, so we discuss what's been working. |
Thu, 21 June 2018
I've had lots of requests for an episode like this, so here it is. Today, at the behest of Steve Patterson, I discuss two things: the how and why of entrepreneurship, at least in my case, and Catholicism. The episode is not about the interrelationship between these two things. But Steve has been wanting to ask me about both, and I've had plenty of requests for these topics, particularly the latter. So here you go. This is my appearance on Steve's podcast Patterson in Pursuit. |
Wed, 20 June 2018
Ever heard a socialist brush off the experience of Venezuela on the grounds that that country isn't really socialist after all? Here's how to reply. |
Tue, 19 June 2018
Tom W. Bell joins me to discuss the variety of micro-experiments in liberty, of varying degrees of significance, going on all over the world -- like special economic zones, the beginnings of seasteading, even Liberland. |
Mon, 18 June 2018
New York Times bestselling author Larry Correia joins me to discuss what's going on in the world of sci-fi and fantasy, where SJW influence has been growing, and non-SJW voices have been demonized with the customary accusations. Correia himself was recently disinvited from an important conference for quite clearly no good reason. We get to the bottom of it here. |
Fri, 15 June 2018
Jorg Guido Hulsmann, a senior fellow of the Mises Institute and a professor of economics at the University of Angers in France, discusses those aspects of inflation most people overlook, involving how it changes the very texture of life. |
Fri, 15 June 2018
Stefan and I go well beyond the college-is-a-waste-of-time stuff here. College can be fine, and the right thing for some people. But we go through: the ideological environment, quotas, how much people really learn, how to succeed without it, and a lot more. |
Wed, 13 June 2018
John Tamny of RealClearMarkets joins me to discuss how progress really works and the extraordinary advances we've lived through that people scarcely notice or appreciate. And robots are going to make us better off, by the way.... |
Tue, 12 June 2018
Should insider trading be a crime? With Donald Trump suggesting that he might pardon Martha Stewart, it's an opportune moment to examine this important question. |
Mon, 11 June 2018
There are plenty of arguments against Marxism, and we make several in this episode. But there's one, by Eugen von Bohm-Bawerk, that crushes Marx. That's because it stipulates, for the sake of argument, that Marx is correct about the labor theory of value and so much else in his system. And it shows that even then, his system comes up against a contradiction that cannot be resolved. I welcome G.P. Manish, associate professor of economics at the Sorrell College of Business at Troy University, back to the show. |
Sat, 9 June 2018
Traditional social media outlets have been under scrutiny for their data collection, ideological bias, and skewed algorithms. Bill Ottman, co-creator and CEO of, reviews the problems and proposes rather an exciting solution. |
Fri, 8 June 2018
Cameron English runs a project called Deniers for Hire, which shines a light on progressive bloggers and journalists who defame scientists they disagree with (why, these scientists must be shills for industry!). |
Thu, 7 June 2018
Lots of people are celebrating the Masterpiece Cakeshop decision because a Christian baker who had been punished for refusing to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding was vindicated. Unfortunately, the case is a mess, and resolves far less than you may think. I go through it with you in this episode. |
Tue, 5 June 2018
What if the problem with the state's police isn't bad apples but the fact that they're the state's police? Is it possible to imagine policing without the state? |
Mon, 4 June 2018
No wonder my listeners demanded this episode. Saifedean Ammous takes an economic perspective informed by the Austrian School and applies it to Bitcoin and why it matters. He discusses the various roles Bitcoin can play, and parries common objections. (We also take an animated detour into the BCH/BTC discussion, for those of you interested.) |
Fri, 1 June 2018
One side claims the Deep State is a figment of our imagination. Another thinks of Trump as a fearless crusader against it. Both sides are missing something very important. |
Thu, 31 May 2018
Keith Knight joins me to discuss themes in "The Ultimate Red Pill," his epic video bringing together the best anti-statist arguments and clips. We talk about which arguments work best to get people thinking in new ways, which arguments reached him, and the one thing every 16-year-old should read to be inoculated against socialism. |
Wed, 30 May 2018
Carla Gericke, board member and former president of the Free State Project, discusses ongoing if underreported libertarian victories in New Hampshire, her own campaign for state senate, whether and why libertarians should pursue politics, and a lot more. |
Tue, 29 May 2018
As Michael Malice prepares to start his evening news recap show and moves his existing show to another network, I offer suggestions on how to build an audience: what works, what doesn't, how you can exploit your enemies to increase your popularity, and a lot more. Plenty of lessons here for business and for life. |
Fri, 25 May 2018
This episode begins with my five-minute opening statement from a FreedomFest debate on abolishing the Federal Reserve System, and then proceeds to discuss further problems with the Fed (as well as problems with the so-called Greenbackers, whose critique of the Fed is that they'd prefer to see the Treasury inflate the currency instead). Plus a very funny story that you shouldn't miss. |
Thu, 24 May 2018
Naomi Brockwell -- TV producer, cryptocurrency expert, and libertarian -- joins me to discuss new frontiers in cryptocurrency, how to explain Bitcoin to your grandmother, replies to cryptocurrency skeptics, what it's like to work for John Stossel, and a lot more. |
Wed, 23 May 2018
Is there such a thing as "cultural Marxism"? If so, what is it? And what was the Frankfurt School, and what was it trying to accomplish? Paul Gottfried, who holds a Ph.D. in history from Yale and has written extensively on these subjects, joins me to get to the bottom of it all. |
Tue, 22 May 2018
The Spanish-American War anticipated important themes in the interventionist foreign policy that was to come over the next century. The host of the Dangerous History Podcast joins me to discuss its causes and long-term significance. |
Mon, 21 May 2018
Mark Pulliam joins me to discuss the politicization of American law schools and the role played by the American Bar Association, which enjoys state-bestowed monopoly privileges. |
Sat, 19 May 2018
Matt McWilliams is more likely to be at the zoo with his kids at 2:00pm than he is to be behind a desk. Matt is a libertarian and a homeschooling father, and served as an officer in the Libertarian Party at the local level. He's now an expert affiliate marketer, and has managed the affiliate programs of some of the top names on the Internet -- in fact, at the Affiliate Summit Pinnacle Awards Matt was named the top affiliate marketing manager in the world. He brings that expertise to this discussion of what works and what doesn't when it comes to online business and affiliate marketing. |
Fri, 18 May 2018
Ron Unz -- theoretical physicist, software developer, political candidate, and author -- joins me to discuss themes from his "Our American Pravda" article, which explores stories the media suddenly dropped, or never covered. |
Thu, 17 May 2018
Musa al-Gharbi joins me to discuss the social science literature and its casual claim that racists and white supremacists handed Trump his victory in 2016. The evidence is overwhelmingly against this, as Columbia University's Musa al-Gharbi shows. |
Wed, 16 May 2018
Joanna Williams, education editor at Spiked, discusses her new book Women vs. Feminism. Topics include education, sexual harassment and assault, and advocacy research masquerading as scholarship. |
Tue, 15 May 2018
The parents of 23-month-old Alfie Evans, who suffered from some kind of neurodegenerative disorder, were told they could not take their child for treatment in Rome, where doctors stood willing to assist them. Dr. Michel Accad joins me for a libertarian analysis of this horrific episode. |
Mon, 14 May 2018
![]() This one's a doozy, my friends. The Mises Institute's Jeff Deist joins me to discuss libertarianism, left and right, and ongoing divisions within the movement. We pose the question: if you could have libertarianism triumph but it meant cultural outcomes of which you disapproved, would you still want it? Plus a lot more in this lively discussion. |
Fri, 11 May 2018
Great things are happening with DonorSee, the amazing app through which you can see with your own eyes the effects of your support for worthy projects around the world. Listeners of this very show banded together to build a house for a widow, for example. Listen to the show and support creator Gret Glyer! |
Thu, 10 May 2018
Historian and journalist Gareth Porter, who holds a Ph.D. from Cornell University, joins me to discuss the truth versus the propaganda about the Iranian nuclear program. |
Wed, 9 May 2018
Joshua Smith, who is seeking the chairmanship of the Libertarian National Committee, joins me to discuss the present direction of the LP, the infighting, and his own vision for the party. |
Tue, 8 May 2018
I talk to Pat Buchanan about foreign policy, where conservatives have gone wrong, and what the future holds. |
Mon, 7 May 2018
Has America been made great again, or are the same old problems festering beneath the surface? David Stockman, former director of the Office of Management and Budget under Ronald Reagan, gives us the full scoop. Plus, we discuss his recent appearance on the FOX Business Network, in which he batted down several regime apologists at once. |
Fri, 4 May 2018
David Pakman of the David Pakman Show, and former CIA analyst Ray McGovern, square off in a discussion of allegations of collusion between the Donald Trump campaign and Russian officials and operatives. |
Thu, 3 May 2018
The brand new film Little Pink House relates the events leading up to Kelo v. New London, about the taking of Susette Kelo's home to give to a private developer. I talk to writer, producer, and director Courtney Balaker in today's episode. |
Wed, 2 May 2018
The ideas of Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) have been profoundly influential -- and not for the better. We'll discuss his views on the origins of inequality, the role of the legislator, and the place of the individual in political society. Not an episode to skip, trust me. |
Tue, 1 May 2018
Here's an in-depth discussion of case after ludicrous case of the Framers of the Constitution expressly intending one thing, and government doing another. Might there be a lesson here about constitutions? |
Mon, 30 April 2018
Michael Malice joins me to discuss the recent summit meeting between North and South Korea, in which a North Korean leader set foot in the South for the first time ever. What does it all mean? |
Sat, 28 April 2018
Ben Settle, my email marketing mentor, is one of my favorite guests: nonstop insights into business, marketing, and life. I could talk to him all day. I subscribe to his Email Players newsletter, and I'm a faithful reader of his daily emails. Among the points we cover: -- how to make money from trolls who hate you; -- why you should ignore the latest "ninja tactic," and first master the fundamentals; -- the wrong strategy, which is bound to fail, for your online business -- how neediness is crushing you in business and in life; -- how to make yourself invulnerable to SJW attacks on your livelihood; -- why you should never even consider "virtue signaling"; -- the easiest business in the world to start; -- how to drive traffic; -- the key book for newbies to read; -- the value of shaming; and a lot more. |
Fri, 27 April 2018
![]() In something of a potpourri episode, Scott Horton and I discuss the real truth about presidential war powers under the Constitution, plus the empire's highly successful propaganda apparatus, the military-industrial complex's tactics, and much more. This episode is taken from my recent appearance on the Scott Horton Show. |
Thu, 26 April 2018
Stoyan Penchev joins me to discuss the status of liberty and statism, and the state of public opinion, in eastern Europe in particular and Bulgaria in particular. |
Wed, 25 April 2018
Why does politics so consistently yield perverse outcomes, of a sort it would be unthinkable to encounter in the private sector? Bob Murphy joins me for a discussion of Public Choice theory, which applies an understanding of economic incentives to the way political institutions operate. |
Tue, 24 April 2018
Henry Sire, who originally published his book The Dictator Pope under a pen name, joins me for some background and insight into Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who as Pope Francis has presided over confusion and controversy. |
Mon, 23 April 2018
Patrick Newman, who recently edited a brand new Rothbard book out of the archives, joins me for a bird's-eye overview of one of the least understood periods of American history. |
Thu, 19 April 2018
Today's episode covers a wide range of topics: the origins of Trump, fallacies of protectionism, how to respond to critics who say libertarianism has never been tried, plus Somalia, working conditions under capitalism, why libertarianism is attacked when we're so marginal, the increasing use of "classical liberal" by creeps, and more. This episode is drawn from my recent appearance on the Free Man Beyond the Wall podcast. |
Wed, 18 April 2018
Kevin Dixie, owner and founder at No Other Choice Firearms Training, talks Second Amendment, crime, safety, and what it's like dealing with the "black leadership" when you're teaching black folks how to defend themselves. |
Tue, 17 April 2018
Professor William Anderson joins me to discuss the perverse incentives in the American legal system that work against the accused and their ability to fight back against abuses and outrages perpetrated against them. |
Mon, 16 April 2018
Dave Smith, the libertarian comedian whose comedy special Libertas spent three weeks as the #1 comedy album on iTunes last year, joins me to discuss his wonderful CNN gig, where he gets away with telling truths you'd be hard-pressed to find on any network. Plus: the awful state of comedy, whether liberty will come via a series of small changes or a handful of major ones, and more. |
Sat, 14 April 2018
Libertarians often point out that war has consequences at home as well. The co-author of a new book on precisely this subject joins me to fill in the details. |
Thu, 12 April 2018
Keith Whittington, the William Nelson Cromwell Professor of Politics at Princeton University, joins me to talk trigger warnings, safe spaces, campus censorship and intimidation, and the purpose of a university. I ask him some tough devil's-advocate questions, but he sticks to his guns. Well worth your time. |
Wed, 11 April 2018
Whether you're a car enthusiast or not, you have to love Eric Peters: insanely knowledgeable and thoroughly libertarian. We have a lot to discuss today: nanny-ish new cars, the consequences of federal regulation, the "mobile driver's license" and the privacy issues involved, the Jeep we're allowed to buy but not drive, and a lot more. |
Tue, 10 April 2018
Historian Kevin Gutzman joins me to take on a recent article by a conventional conservative in favor of "originalism" in constitutional interpretation. Fair enough, but as with most conservative discussions of the Constitution, it comes down on the centralist, Marshallian side of the key issues -- and then conservatives scratch their heads about what could have gone wrong. |
Mon, 9 April 2018
With tariffs in the news and stirring up debate, I thought a Tom Woods Show debate on the subject would be enlightening for everyone. Dan McCarthy, editor of the venerable conservative journal Modern Age and editor-at-large of The American Conservative, and Gene Epstein, formerly of Barron's, square off in this much-needed debate on tariffs and trade. |
Sat, 7 April 2018
![]() There are only two people in the world for whom I've ever offered a testimonial: Ben Settle and my guest today, Michael Cheney. Michael has been producing products and dominating affiliate leaderboards since at least the year 2000. He creates promotions that don't bore you to death, which is why they do so well. And he's taught me a boatload of knowledge that I have put to very good use; last year I was able to make substantial donations to causes you and I believe in, thanks to what I learned from Michael. His advice is worth taking to heart. |
Fri, 6 April 2018
The indoctrination aspect of "public education" has become more pronounced and obvious in recent months. Ron Paul and I discuss that and other outrages with a system everyone defends and takes for granted, and say a few words in defense of the homeschooling alternative. This episode is drawn from my recent appearance on the Ron Paul Liberty Report. |
Thu, 5 April 2018
Owen Benjamin, who has had a successful career in entertainment, has been having problems with venues canceling on him after rival comedians report him for unapproved thoughts (none of which is actually unreasonable or outside the bounds of legitimate comedy, but you knew that). Opponents even invent things about Owen, or create bot accounts on Twitter to make him look bad. It's crazy. We recorded this interview 48 hours before it aired. Since that time, Owen's Twitter account -- @OwenBenjamin -- has been suspended, and his ability to livestream on his YouTube channel has been revoked. |
Wed, 4 April 2018
Mitch Toland, once an Obama supporter, made his way into Austrian economics and libertarianism in a most unusual way: his economics professor had him write a paper on Hayekian triangles (a graphical depiction of Austrian capital theory), and this wound up leading him to Ron Paul. He shares his story, plus his venture into politics, in today's episode. |
Tue, 3 April 2018
Titus Gebel, founder and CEO of Free Private Cities, Inc., discusses how private enterprise can provide services traditionally associated with governments, and why this approach holds promise for the future. |
Mon, 2 April 2018
The general public sure thinks they are -- and sometimes, economists give them good reason to think so. Bob Murphy joins me to discuss (and critique) the Coase Theorem, which purports to solve an important economic puzzle, but which makes methodologically suspect moves that it appears only Austrians may have noticed. (P.S. We're postponing the discussion of Public Choice, mentioned at the beginning, until a future episode.) |
Thu, 29 March 2018
Research scientist Dr. Mary Ruwart discusses the true effects of the lethal FDA, which we're taught we couldn't live without. |
Wed, 28 March 2018
With talk of uncompensated expropriation of white landowners making international news, I thought it was a good time to speak to Ernst Roets, a staple of South African television and deputy CEO of Afriforum, to find out what's going on. |
Tue, 27 March 2018
Scott Horton joins me to discuss the views -- on Iraq, North Korea, Russia, Afghanistan, and Iran -- of John Bolton, who was recently tapped to replace H.R. McMaster as National Security Advisor. Check out this episode and you'll be better briefed on the subject than pretty much anyone, anywhere. |
Mon, 26 March 2018
Here's how we learn about so-called landmark legislation in school: your wise public servants identified a problem, and then put their heads together in a disinterested, dispassionate way to solve it, and improve life for everyone. In fact, the real roots of legislation often turn out to be far more mundane. The Sherman Antitrust Act, as Patrick Newman explains, is one such example. |
Sun, 25 March 2018
I was recently a guest on the Six Figure Grind podcast with Kevin Geary, and we talked not about libertarianism but about how I run my little operation here. I hope you take some insights away from our conversation. |
Fri, 23 March 2018
José Niño tells the real story of Venezuela: the problems before Chavez, the Chavez disaster, and what's going on today. Plus: are any lessons being learned? |
Thu, 22 March 2018
It's a common neoclassical claim that people will prefer an income tax over an equivalent excise tax. This claim, though questionable, is perhaps less interesting than the method these economists use to reach it. In fact, this seemingly obscure question winds up illustrating a great deal about what separates Austrian economics from the mainstream, and which school of thought is more realistic. |
Wed, 21 March 2018
Some say the U.S. could have won the Vietnam War had there been more political will, or if this rather than that military strategy had been tried. Gareth Porter joins me to consider this question. |
Tue, 20 March 2018
With Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) becoming more prominent both in policy discussions and on social media, now is a good time for a full-blown debate. Enjoy! |
Mon, 19 March 2018
Claes Ryn, professor of politics at the Catholic University of America and director of its Center for the Study of Statesmanship, joins me to discuss how a real statesman would conduct American affairs on the world stage and how, by contrast, the present American establishment does so. We also discuss how we got here (and the problem goes way beyond Woodrow Wilson). |
Thu, 15 March 2018
Today I cover two separate topics: Rand Paul's heroic opposition to the Mike Pompeo and Gina Haspel nominations, and the Libertarian Party's strange statement the day of the recent student walkout. That second thing should not have happened. |
Wed, 14 March 2018
This and other questions are discussed in this freewheeling discussion with Michael Malice. Plenty of personal questions (directed at me), too. A total blast. Enjoy! This episode is taken from my appearance on "YOUR WELCOME" with Michael Malice, at |
Tue, 13 March 2018
Anthony Rozmajzl, an economics major at Grove City College, won first place in the Thomas E. Woods Prizes at this year's Austrian Student Scholars Conference for his paper on blockchain technology and its applications beyond cryptocurrency. He shares his key points with us today. |
Mon, 12 March 2018
Angelo Valle discovered libertarianism and the Tom Woods Show while in high school, heard about Praxis on the show, and at age 20 is now prospering at a successful startup. Now that's the kind of story we ought to hear, so he shares it with me today. |
Fri, 9 March 2018
Josh Wilcoxson joins me to discuss the effectiveness of medical marijuana, the state of the legalization movement, and how we should proceed from here. |
Thu, 8 March 2018
Mises biographer Guido Hulsmann joins me to discuss the life of the great economist and social philosopher Ludwig von Mises in the momentous year of 1918, one hundred years ago. |
Wed, 7 March 2018
A schoolteacher in a left-liberal state argues that the school walkout movement -- which is obviously spreading through intimidation, and the implied suggestion that no other point of view deserves a hearing -- is in fact illegal, since it amounts to political activity by schoolteachers at taxpayer expense. |
Tue, 6 March 2018
Topics include: Jordan Peterson, Trump's tariffs, hate mail, the creation of, the future of the Mises Institute, and whether more than the nonaggression principle is necessary to sustain liberty. |
Mon, 5 March 2018
Stefan Molyneux and I have a wide-ranging discussion about what's been happening to the libertarian movement, the periodic witch-hunts, and why, in the age of the Internet (where you can build an audience even without the approval of the Official Libertarian Institutions), the drama doesn't matter all that much anymore. |
Thu, 1 March 2018
The Bolshevik Revolution continues to be romanticized to this day. Plenty of communists claim that if only the Soviet Union could have stuck to the original principles of the Revolution, the horrors would not have occurred. Problem: the horrors began with the Revolution, and the origins of the horrors are to be found there. |
Wed, 28 February 2018
Here's an overview of what I said about communism to an audience of students at the University of California at Santa Barbara last night. Were the crimes of communism mere aberrations? Were they perversions of an otherwise noble ideal? Or were they the natural, expected outcomes of awful ideas? |
Tue, 27 February 2018
David Gordon, whose knowledge the late historian Ralph Raico compared to the Library of Congress, joins me for a potpourri episode in which all kinds of wicked errors are delightfully smashed. |
Mon, 26 February 2018
Johnny Rocket, host of the Johnny Rocket Launch Pad (on which I've been a guest, in one of my favorite interviews ever), joins me to discuss his Liberty Force Comic as well as other, unconventional ways we might bring our unorthodox message to the masses. |