Sat, 31 August 2019
Gerry Cramer has been repeatedly ranked as the top affiliate on Clickbank, which in turn has been called the top affiliate network in the United States. His students, for that matter, can frequently be found among Clickbank's top ten affiliates. So you could say the guy has cracked the code. |
Fri, 30 August 2019
Eric July, the politically incorrect libertarian frontman for the metal band Backwordz, joins me for a freewheeling discussion of music, politics, Malcolm X, the SJW takeover of the world of comics, and much more. |
Thu, 29 August 2019
Saifedean Ammous recently debated Professor George Selgin at the Soho Forum on the subject of Bitcoin's suitability to replace existing currencies and challenge central banks. We review that debate in today's episode, and finish with a discussion of Saifedean's latest project. |
Wed, 28 August 2019
Murray Sabrin, a professor of finance at Ramapo College, discusses the damage caused by the Federal Reserve, as well as the various approaches to business cycles taken by different economic schools of thought, and Trump's demands for lower interest rates. |
Tue, 27 August 2019
Are libertarians too quick to argue that "after all, Sweden is really very capitalist, so you can't use it against us"? One author thinks so. This episode looks more closely at the Sweden story to make sense of it from a libertarian perspective. |
Mon, 26 August 2019
The New York Times recently announced its "1619 Project," by which it intends to demonstrate that "nearly everything that has made America exceptional grew out of slavery." Our friend Phil Magness points out that in its economics it relies on now-debunked statistical claims. Also, I discuss the bizarre phenomenon by which the left is now claiming that slavery is a highly efficient system that drives exceptional economic growth. |
Fri, 23 August 2019
Larry Ludlow reports from his own experiences within the government school system. It's pretty brutal, folks. |
Thu, 22 August 2019
John Moody returns to update us on government and its various agencies, and how they affect farmers, your food, and you. |
Wed, 21 August 2019
Gene Epstein returns to discuss People, Power, and Profits: Progressive Capitalism for an Age of Discontent, the new book by economist Joseph Stiglitz. It gets the full Epstein treatment. |
Tue, 20 August 2019
Gerard Casey, professor emeritus of philosophy at University College, Dublin, joins me to discuss the philosophy of fascism, which he describes as a form of irrationalism. |
Mon, 19 August 2019
Dan Fishman recently became executive director of the Libertarian Party. He joins me to discuss (among plenty of other things) his political evolution, where he sees the party going, and whether people are naturally libertarian or anti-libertarian. |
Sat, 17 August 2019
Julie Borowski, the popular libertarian content creator, has just released a children's book called Nobody Knows How to Make a Pizza, in which she illustrates how, without a central planner, amazing feats of production that could be carried out (or even fully understood) by no single individual take place. We then discuss the state of the "liberty movement" in 2019. |
Sat, 17 August 2019
Today I am joined by two libertarians: Dr. Michael Edelstein and Dr. David Ramsay Steele. Together they wrote Three Minute Therapy: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life, which applies an easily replicated technique to conquering all sorts of undesirable conditions and behaviors: depression, excessive drinking, procrastination, overeating, and many more. |
Thu, 15 August 2019
Vince Vaughn has scores of Hollywood films to his credit -- from The Lost World: Jurassic Park to Hacksaw Ridge and many in between -- and has been a Ron Paul supporter since the 2008 presidential campaign. He and Tom discuss Hollywood, libertarianism, and American politics. |
Wed, 14 August 2019
Not long ago, the great libertarian foreign policy expert Scott Horton joined me for a full week's worth of episodes. We got some great feedback and a little criticism, so Scott and I decided that replying to critics makes for great episodes, too. So we're talking Syria, Iran, and plenty more in today's episode. |
Tue, 13 August 2019
John Locke tries to rest the legitimacy of government on the consent of the people. But can they really give consent? Locke himself admitted that unanimous consent was impossible, but thought the state could be legitimized anyway. Lysander Spooner thought otherwise: if we as individuals do not consent to an arrangement, it cannot be enforced on us. |
Fri, 9 August 2019
We conclude Brion McClanahan Week with a discussion of a historical topic that fascinates us both: the Russian Revolution. We then clear up some loose ends and bring this week of history to a close. |
Thu, 8 August 2019
Brion McClanahan's podcast tagline is "think locally, act locally." We take a deep dive into what this means, including the federalist/decentralist tradition in America, plus: what about issues that seem to require cooperation beyond the local level? |
Wed, 7 August 2019
Well, here's the question nobody is allowed to ask, since even to ask it is to invite anti-intellectual, third-grade-level responses. But presumably a region that generated Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, James Madison, George Mason, James Monroe, Edgar Allen Poe, Mark Twain, William Faulkner, and Walker Percy might have something to be said for it. So as Brion McClanahan Week continues, we take a look at this question. |
Tue, 6 August 2019
Brion McClanahan Week continues with a look at U.S. presidents we barely hear about (and who tend, naturally, to be the better ones) and how we should evaluate them. |
Mon, 5 August 2019
Brion McClanahan Week on the Tom Woods Show begins with a discussion of this important historian's background, and how he came to abandon the neoconservatism so many of us imbibed in our youth. |
Sat, 3 August 2019
Phil Magness discusses his new book (with Jason Brennan) about the problems with higher education. They aren't talking about ideological conformity, bad as that is. They are discussing other problems, just as deep and pervasive. |
Fri, 2 August 2019
Kyle Mann, editor-in-chief of the brilliant satire site The Babylon Bee, joins me to discuss comedy, politics, social media, and Snopes' hilarious "fact checking" of what is obviously satire. |
Thu, 1 August 2019
Today Tho Bishop and I review the second night of the second round of Democratic presidential debates (the July 31, 2019 debate, to be exact). Plenty of dull talking points, to be sure, but enough zingers to make this episode fun. |