Fri, 31 December 2021
Allen Mendenhall of Troy University joins me for a potpourri episode in which we devote some time to whether the Constitution commits us to an ideological program of ongoing revolution or whether it is intended to be simply a framework within which people of differing ideologies can coexist peacefully. Guest's Book: Speaking Softly: Lines on Law, Literature, and Culture - |
Thu, 30 December 2021
CJ Killmer, host of the Dangerous History Podcast, has lived in Florida for nearly four decades and has taught Florida history at the college level for years. He joins us to discuss Florida in the age of COVID, the pros and cons of moving to Florida, the different areas of Florida and which ones you might prefer, and some Florida history. Sponsor: CrowdHealth - - Enter promo code: WOODS. |
Tue, 28 December 2021
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., joins us to discuss his new book, The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, which paints rather an unflattering portrait of the face of the American COVID response. |
Tue, 21 December 2021
In a recent episode of the Mises Institute's Human Action Podcast, hosted by Jeff Deist, we discussed the Old Right, the loose collection of writers and thinkers who opposed domestic and foreign interventionism. Their names have almost been forgotten, and Jeff and I want to make curious people aware of them. |
Mon, 20 December 2021
Daniel McAdams, executive director of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity and co-host of the Ron Paul Liberty Report, joins us to talk about the challenge of spreading uncomfortable truths to the largest possible audience without getting deplatformed. |
Fri, 17 December 2021
Mark Crispin Miller, who teaches (among other things) a course on propaganda for New York University, discusses his run-in with the administration, as well as how the present case of propaganda compares with previous examples. |
Thu, 16 December 2021
Karol Markowicz of the New York Post joins us to discuss the rapid decline of a once-great city by irrational and punitive mandates and useless and destructive so-called health interventions. |
Wed, 15 December 2021
Susan May of discusses the process of unplugging: from mainstream news sources, education, and the rest of the apparatus of the clown world we find ourselves inhabiting. Sponsor: CrowdHealth - - Enter promo code: WOODS |
Tue, 14 December 2021
Anne Hendershott, a professor of sociology at the University of Steubenville, discusses the academic and cultural efforts to normalize pedophilia. |
Sat, 11 December 2021
In this retrospective on the Ron Paul Revolution I focus on things we learned and things we should have known. |
Fri, 10 December 2021
The great Matt Ridley joins me to discuss his fascinating new book -- and I mean that; it truly reads like a novel -- on the origins of COVID-19 and the strange, obstructionist behavior by lots of key actors. |
Thu, 9 December 2021
Frustrated conservatives and libertarians have begun wondering if, since our enemies have no reservations about the use of power, we are in a lopsided battle: our opponents don't hesitate to use power to oppress their enemies, but we on principal refuse to do likewise. John Grove joins me to talk this through. |
Wed, 8 December 2021
The DonorSee app has transformed lives all around the world. Now they want to build a STEM school in a part of the world that desperately needs it, and they'll do it without a cent of state funding. Gret Glyer and Paul Chinchen join us. Campaign Discussed: Sponsor: A Harry's Holiday Shave Set is the perfect gift this Christmas for that man in your life -- dad, brother, boyfriend, husband, friend, co-worker, whatever. Comes in a handsome gift box and is both attractive and practical. Take $5 off and get free shipping on any of the Harry's holiday sets at |
Mon, 6 December 2021
Ali Rak, homeschooling mother of four, has been an effective organizer in Charles County, Maryland, and heads Reopen Charles County. We discuss her efforts as well as the county's upcoming hearing on masks and what she's trying to do to defeat them. |
Sat, 4 December 2021
Tony Lyons is president of Skyhorse Publishing, the house that published Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s new book on Dr. Fauci. That book has been subject to the kind of blackout we have come to expect by now, and Tony gives us the details. |
Fri, 3 December 2021
Matt Kibbe joins us to discuss how F.A. Hayek's sometimes overlooked work The Counter-Revolution of Science relates to COVID central planning around the world. |
Thu, 2 December 2021
Judge Andrew Napolitano joins me to discuss what we've recently learned about FBI and CIA wrongdoing. |
Thu, 2 December 2021
Musician Dan Hagen discusses what happened to Nashville during lockdown, his role in returning it gradually to normal, vaccine passports, and what the future may hold for Nashville and the rest of us. Sponsor: Persist SEO - |
Tue, 30 November 2021
With price inflation now evident to everyone, I decided to revisit some fallacies (like Elizabeth Warren's claim that price increases are caused by "greed") about inflation and fiat money. |
Fri, 26 November 2021
With Thanksgiving over and Advent approaching, people have begun thinking about Christmas 2021 -- and there are plenty of Christmas-related fallacies to smash. Tom Mullen joins me for an anti-state Christmas. |
Thu, 25 November 2021
Economic ignorance and stupidity just won't go away, but for the sake of all that's decent we have to keep fighting it. Caleb Fuller of Grove City College joins us to discuss some common goofs. Sponsor: Cheeky Maiden Soap is a family-run business operated by libertarian fans of the Tom Woods Show that makes all-natural soaps and other cleansers that you'll surely love. Take 15% off your first order with code WOODS at |
Wed, 24 November 2021
Patrick Newman joins me to discuss two issues in 19th-century economic history that your textbook covers cartoonishly: money and banking, and internal improvements. |
Tue, 23 November 2021
Democrats and some Republicans favor adding women to the military draft. "Proponents of the change see the move as a victory for women's rights," says Roll Call. Eric Brakey and I discuss. |
Mon, 22 November 2021
Mises Institute president Jeff Deist joins me to discuss the significance of Kyle Rittenhouse and the way the two Americas saw it. |
Sat, 20 November 2021
Ken McCarthy perceived the commercial potential of the Internet before almost anyone, and is considered the godfather of Internet marketing. Paul Krugman, meanwhile, claimed in the 1990s that the Internet's effect on the economy would be no greater than that of the fax machine. Ken and I have a wide ranging discussion of book publishing, online business, copywriting, and a lot more, in one of my favorite of my over 2000 episodes. |
Fri, 19 November 2021
Marco Bassani fills in the sections of 19th-century US history your teacher left out, particularly involving state resistance to the federal government. |
Thu, 18 November 2021
Matt Kibbe and I talk about public speaking, the role of politics, the government's virus response and how to know it's been b.s., whether libertarians are "individualists" who neglect "society," whether we think life is all about dollars and cents, and a lot more. One of my favorite conversations. Sponsor: CrowdHealth - Save 50% for the first six months at, using code WOODS. |
Wed, 17 November 2021
This episode discusses easily accessible alternatives to the state's schools. Book Mentioned: Education Without the State Other Links: COVID Revealed |
Tue, 16 November 2021
The Fifth Circuit recently affirmed its stay of the Biden vaccine mandate. I review the text of its decision and discuss the highlights. |
Sun, 14 November 2021
Phil Labonte of All That Remains talks libertarianism (he credits ol' Woods here with radicalizing him) talks music, Covid, and whether he's white or black pilled. Special Offer: We love our monthly Happily date box — it's full of games, recipes, and activities that bring us closer together. With a different theme each month, it's something we're always thrilled to receive. Take 50% off your first date at |
Sat, 13 November 2021
Paula Wright joins us to discuss feminism in its various forms, and what if anything it commits people to other than equal access to opportunities for women. |
Thu, 11 November 2021
Addison Quale of Monetary Metals joins us to discuss gold and sound money, and a way we can start moving toward it even without the pronouncements of legislators. Guest's Link:
Wed, 10 November 2021
Investor and economist Mark Skousen warns that our movement tends to be so pessimistic about the economy that we miss out on income growth opportunities and have nothing to show for it but a bunch of botched predictions. |
Tue, 9 November 2021
One of my favorite episodes of all time. Broadway actor Clifton Duncan discusses his evolution from someone who was generally panicked about COVID to an immovable foe of vaccinate mandates, even at tremendous cost to himself. |
Fri, 5 November 2021
What an amazing celebration we had at the luxurious Rosen Shingle Creek in Orlando, Florida, on October 16 for the 2000th episode of the Tom Woods Show. Hosted by Jeff Deist, the episode includes appearances by Tom Woods Show favorites like Scott Horton, Doc Dixon, Angela McArdle, Michael Boldin, Eric July, Lyn Ulbricht, Jimmy Morrison, The Pholosopher, Tho Bishop, Michael Maresco, Caryn Ann Harlos, and Michael Malice. Video is better than audio for this episode, but if audio is all you have, that's fine, too. It's entertaining all the way through, I promise. |
Wed, 3 November 2021
Patrick Newman discusses his brand new study of the history of cronyism over two and a half centuries of American history. |
Mon, 1 November 2021
Jim Ostrowski joins us to get to the bottom of the regime's manipulation of language, and what its terms really mean. Sponsor: CrowdHealth - Save 50% for the first six months at, using code WOODS. |
Fri, 29 October 2021
Ron Paul struggled with the elderly population in his presidential runs, but now the problem is the young people -- even after having their lives taken from them for nearly two years, they seem to want to be governed even harder. Benjamin Williams, or PraxBen as he's known online, joins us to share his successful strategies with Gen Z. Special Offer: We love our monthly Happily date box — it's full of games, recipes, and activities that bring us closer together. With a different theme each month, it's something we're always thrilled to receive. Take 50% off your first date at |
Thu, 28 October 2021
Matt Asher discusses the prospects for American breakup, and what we should do while we wait. |
Tue, 26 October 2021
At the Mises Institute's supporters summit over the weekend, Institute president Jeff Deist and I had an informal discussion after dinner in front of the assembled attendees, and reviewed Hans Hoppe's essay "What Must Be Done" as the springboard for our discussion. Warning: zingy. |
Thu, 21 October 2021
According to Peter Rex, who's been in real estate for 16 years and has purchased and managed over 20,000 properties, "Big Tech leadership has lost its social license to lead. They’re focused on extracting value, rather than creating it; muzzling dissent rather than freeing our voices; oppressing rebels rather than being the rebel." He seeks to be part of a movement to change that. Special Offer: We love our monthly Happily date box — it's full of games, recipes, and activities that bring us closer together. With a different theme each month, it's something we're always thrilled to receive. Take 50% off your first date at |
Tue, 19 October 2021
Author Björn Lomborg joins me to discuss the problems with climate-change propagandists who have a massive chunk of the world's population convinced that literal human extinction is sure to occur because of rising temperatures. Sponsor: With Egnyte, your small to medium-size business can share files securely, safe from ransomware, and with a user-friendly interface your team will love. Start your free trial today at |
Mon, 18 October 2021
Airline pilot Josh Yoder joins me to discuss US Freedom Flyers, his new organization aimed at pushing back against the Biden vaccine mandates. |
Fri, 15 October 2021
Everyone loves the satire of the Babylon Bee, and over the summer I had the pleasure of appearing on their podcast. We talk domestic politics and foreign policy, and I explain to a largely Christian audience why the state poisons everything. |
Thu, 14 October 2021
One of this year's winners of the Nobel Prize in economics, David Card, co-authored the notorious Card-Krueger study of the minimum wage, which appeared to turn the conventional economic wisdom about the effects of minimum wages on its head. Peter Klein of Baylor University joins us to discuss what's gone wrong with economics such that we've reached the point where economists, rather than describing the constraints on what politics can accomplish, have become cheerleaders for the state. |
Tue, 12 October 2021
I make the constitutional, historical, and moral case for national divorce. |
Sun, 10 October 2021
Murray Sabrin, who taught finance at Ramapo College for 35 years, has a brand new book answering this question: since Austrian School economists know that Federal Reserve interventions cause the boom-bust cycle, how should businesses make sensible decisions with all the Fed's white noise in the background? Sponsor: Dröm, the values-based dating app. Sign up for free at, and use code woods. |
Fri, 8 October 2021
In a recent live event in New York City, the heroic Scott Horton, our great foreign-policy expert, debated Bill Kristol, one of the most influential neoconservatives, on the wisdom of "regime change" in U.S. foreign policy. Scott joins us today to review the highlights. |
Thu, 7 October 2021
Paul Gottfried joins us to discuss the "antifascist" movement and what it's really about (it's obviously not about fighting against fascism, which doesn't exist today). Sponsor: CrowdHealth is a community of people who are tired of paying for a broken system. A place where you can get a simple, flexible, and affordable way to pay for your healthcare. Being in the CrowdHealth community can save hundreds of dollars monthly and put thousands of dollars back in your pocket. Save 50% for the first six months at, using code WOODS. |
Wed, 6 October 2021
Andy Schoonover is CEO of CrowdHealth, which urges people to say goodbye to health insurance altogether and save a small fortune by seceding from the whole system. Guest's Website: (use code WOODS) |
Tue, 5 October 2021
Joseph Salerno, academic vice president of the Mises Institute, joins me to discuss in layman's terms why Ludwig von Mises mattered, what some of his crucial contributions were, and how left-leaning libertarians get Mises (and us) wrong. |
Fri, 1 October 2021
From the moment Georgia reopened in late April 2020, I've been back to my old travel habit along with my fiancée, Jenna Laino. In the process, we've found plenty of sanity and plenty of insanity, and we conclude the episode on a note of hope. Sponsor: Getting clobbered by your competitors? Invisible in the search engines? Your leads at a trickle -- or nonexistent? Persist SEO can turn that all around for your business. Check them out at |
Thu, 30 September 2021
Byam Bridle is a professor of viral immunology at the University of Guelph in Canada. His letter to the president of his university is a ten-megaton bomb directed at vaccine mandates. Sponsor: Hey, libertarians stuck in the miserable dating scene: here's what you've been waiting for. Dröm is a free, new, values-based dating app. You pick dealbreakers and dealmakers such as politics, religion and any other values. As soon as someone matches your dealbreakers and dealmakers, and you match theirs, you get a notification. Sign up for free at, and use code woods. |
Wed, 29 September 2021
In one of my favorite interviews ever, I run through a lightning round of names from our tradition of thought, and describe their key contributions to how we understand the world. Thanks to Keith Knight and his Don't Tread on Anyone podcast Sponsor: Policy Genius |
Tue, 28 September 2021
You know the usual approach: apologize, beg for mercy, explain that you didn't really mean it, that you've "grown" -- we're all drearily familiar with the usual pathetic attempts to avoid judgment from lunatics. It never works. It never, ever works. Life is going to be difficult no matter what you do, but at least keep your dignity. Kevin Dolan, who has just founded Exit Group, helps people figure out the correct course of action in these situations, and indeed how to position themselves in such a way that they're insulated from attacks like these in the first place. |
Sat, 25 September 2021
Cameron Sorsby of Praxis outlines a sensible alternative to college, giving young people years of work experience instead of years of debt. And Praxis is doing something special for students who find themselves trapped by sudden vaccine mandates. |
Fri, 24 September 2021
You and I complain a lot, and rightly so, but we do of course have a positive program. I asked David Stockman, who was director of the Office of Management and Budget in the Reagan Administration, to outline what specifically we should do if the political winds ever shifted seriously in our direction. |
Thu, 23 September 2021
Michael Malice, King of Twitter, has built a large audience in part through his astute use of social media. Sponsor: With Egnyte, your small to medium-size business can share files securely, safe from ransomware, and with a user-friendly interface your team will love. Start your free trial today at |
Wed, 22 September 2021
Left-leaning libertarians have actually been claiming, if you can believe this, that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, whose worldview is altogether confused and state-centered, is actually the best libertarian in Congress. She is certainly better, they say, than Thomas Massie. Since this is insane, I decided to smash it. Sponsor: Getting clobbered by your competitors? Invisible in the search engines? Your leads at a trickle -- or nonexistent? Persist SEO can turn that all around for your business. Check them out at |
Tue, 21 September 2021
Chet Peters, who operates Fake Mask USA, has had to reckon with Big Tech in all its various manifestations while selling to the public an actually breathable mask. Sponsor: Cheeky Maiden Soap is a family-run business operated by libertarian fans of the Tom Woods Show that makes all-natural soaps and other cleansers that you'll surely love. Take 25% off your order with code WOODS at |
Sat, 18 September 2021
Stanford University's Jay Bhattacharya returns to the show to discuss the recent southern spike, the prospects for herd immunity, and his grounds for optimism, among much else. |
Fri, 17 September 2021
Israel has been in the news around the world for its vaccination rates and hospitalization rates, and for its "green pass" vaccine passport system. Rafi Farber reports from Israel in today's episode about what's happening. Sponsor: Hey, libertarians stuck in the miserable dating scene: here's what you've been waiting for. Dröm is a free, new, values-based dating app. You pick dealbreakers and dealmakers such as politics, religion and any other values. As soon as someone matches your dealbreakers and dealmakers, and you match theirs, you get a notification. Sign up for free at, and use code woods. |
Thu, 16 September 2021
David Limbrick, an elected official in Victoria, joins us for an inside look at the nightmare that has descended upon once-free Australia. |
Tue, 14 September 2021
Paul Gottfried joins me to discuss the emerging one-party state in America. This isn't the kind of conversation we might have had in the old days, lamenting the lack of difference between the two parties. This time the emergence of a one-party state is taking a different form: the demonization and isolation of dissidents by the Democrats in particular. |
Mon, 13 September 2021
Daniel McAdams, executive director of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity and foreign-policy adviser to then-Congressman Paul from 2001 to 2012, joins me to reflect on the events and significance of September 11, 2001, twenty years on. Sponsor: Getting clobbered by your competitors? Invisible in the search engines? Your leads at a trickle -- or nonexistent? Persist SEO can turn that all around for your business. Check them out at |
Fri, 10 September 2021
Opposed by midwits everywhere but cheered by lovers of freedom and science, Congressman Thomas Massie has been a voice of reason over the past year and a half. Today I was able to reach him in a remote part of Georgia he was passing through to get his thoughts on the Biden vaccine mandates and what people can do. |
Thu, 9 September 2021
I cover several topics in this potpourri episode: what life is like in a COVID-normal country, an idiotic and phony story the media jumped on because it made normal people look bad, and the insider who's writing the tell-all book about COVID -- and Fauci and Birx -- in 2020. |
Wed, 8 September 2021
Daniel Miller of the Texas Nationalist Movement discusses opportunities for an obstacles to Texan secession, and notes that the apparent obstacles are not as insuperable as many people may have thought. |
Tue, 7 September 2021
In this day and age it's more important than ever to stand out -- and easier than ever, since more and more people are crazy. In this episode Connor Boyack and I review some of the rules that will serve you (and your teenage children) well. |
Sun, 5 September 2021
The lunatics really took things up a notch in 2020 and 2021, such that normal people feel more on the defensive than ever before. Ben Settle, who taught me email marketing, has advice for the world's contrarians in an age when every official channel demands conformity or else. Sponsor: Press House Coffee: Take 20% off your first order when you use promo code WOODS at |
Fri, 3 September 2021
Stephen Presser, legal affairs editor for Chronicles magazine and professor of legal history emeritus at Northwestern University's Pritzker School of Law, joins me for a review of the surveillance state and other issues of current importance. |
Thu, 2 September 2021
It's more and more obvious that the differences within the United States are irreconcilable. Some form of peaceful separation is clearly the only humane solution. Historian Brion McClanahan joins me to discuss what that would look like in practical terms. Special Offer: |
Wed, 1 September 2021
The use of vaccination status to divide society into two classes is spreading around the world, more intensely in some places than others. Today we take a look at what's happening in Lithuania, and whether the potential exists for enough noncompliance to bring the system down. Emilia Mituziene joins me. |
Mon, 30 August 2021
Once you read Murray Rothbard, you can never look at the world the same way again. In 1992 he delivered the best libertarian speech I have ever heard, so full of insight that I had to devote an entire episode to it. The key questions: who are the bad guys, and what should we do about them? |
Sat, 28 August 2021
Derrick Broze joins us to discuss agorism and our present situation, and living as free a life as possible even under difficult constraints. |
Fri, 27 August 2021
We hear from libertarian critics of Ron Paul and Murray Rothbard (yes, such people exist, believe it or not) that they pursued something called "the paleo strategy," which today is ridiculed and dismissed without actually being addressed or refuted. Tho Bishop of the Mises Institute joins me to discuss who the paleos were and, to the extent they had a strategy, what it was. Hint: it did not involve tripping over themselves to adopt whatever crazy cultural demand the left was making on a given day. Sponsor: Press House Coffee: Take 20% off your first order when you use promo code WOODS at |
Thu, 26 August 2021
I had a great time talking to Joshua Smith of the Libertarian National Committee (and who hosts Break the Cycle) on a huge variety of topics, including lots of stuff I've never mentioned before. Enjoy! |
Tue, 24 August 2021
Ever since 1789 and the French Revolution, politics in the West has come to resemble a religion with its dogmas, heretics, and messianic language. In our own day, this is especially evident among the "woke" crowd, but the phenomenon itself is an old one. Special Offer: We love our monthly Happily date box — it's full of games, recipes, and activities that bring us closer together. With a different theme each month, it's something we're always thrilled to receive. Take 50% off your first date at |
Mon, 23 August 2021
We're hearing about various places introducing "vaccine passports." We've also heard about places phasing them out. Is there anything we can do? Sponsor: Cheeky Maiden Soap is a family-run business operated by libertarian fans of the Tom Woods Show that makes all-natural soaps and other cleansers that you'll surely love. Take 25% off your order with code WOODS at |
Sat, 21 August 2021
![]() Liberty activist Anthony Welti has taken to the road to go cross country spreading what he's learned about winning votes, raising money, and persuading people of our ideas. He's been excellent and outspoken on the vaccine passport nonsense and indeed the entire COVID regime. Sponsor: Press House Coffee: Take 20% off your first order when you use promo code WOODS at |
Fri, 20 August 2021
Joseph Cotto joins us to discuss his study of the Seminoles (and slavery) in American history, in a story few Americans know. |
Wed, 18 August 2021
Murray Sabrin, who taught finance at Ramapo College for many years, joins us to explain how we take the dysfunctional American health care system and transform it into one that produces excellent care at affordable prices. The main ingredient in this transformation: capitalism. |
Wed, 18 August 2021
Scott Horton joins us to discuss the decision to withdraw from Afghanistan, the specifics of how it was done, and the content of Joe Biden's speech to the nation. |
Mon, 16 August 2021
Not people who despise everything you stand for, I hope. Laura Swain joins me to discuss the importance of homeschooling, why it's not overwhelming, and how you can make it work. |
Fri, 13 August 2021
Alex Epstein of the Center for Industrial Progress joins me to discuss his recent congressional testimony regarding the energy situation in impoverished Puerto Rico, where progressives would make an already dire situation much worse. Sponsor: |
Fri, 13 August 2021
Mark Sisson, creator of the Primal Blueprint, discusses how to maintain optimal health, including a healthy weight, by making sensible choices about how we treat our bodies. |
Wed, 11 August 2021
I talk about my recent illness and why, despite being harsher than I expected, it doesn't change my mind about lockdowns and craziness in the slightest. |
Tue, 10 August 2021
Civil liberties attorney Jenin Younes, who goes by Leftylockdownskeptic on Twitter (@Leftylockdowns1), lost most of her left-liberal friends over her stance on COVID and lockdowns, so of course she's an ideal Tom Woods Show guest. Sponsor: Press House Coffee: Take 20% off your first order when you use promo code WOODS at |
Sat, 7 August 2021
Dan McCarthy joins me to discuss the real significance of January 6 and the elite response to it. |
Fri, 6 August 2021
I'm back behind the microphone after taking it easy during a battle with pneumonia that still isn't quite over, but thrilled to talk to Fred and Richard Fairbrass of Right Said Fred, who have had #1 hits in over 70 countries and have been outstanding during the COVID fiasco. Sponsor: Save yourself the time and hassle of going to the Post Office, and get discounts on postage, with Get a four-week free trial plus free postage and a digital scale when you go to, click on the microphone at the top right of the screen, and type code WOODS. |
Thu, 5 August 2021
The great Scott Horton, filling in for a recovering Tom, talks to Dan McKnight about the end of the Afghan War and his organization's work to pass Defend the Guard legislation in the states. |
Sun, 1 August 2021
Guest host Dave Smith talks to the Mises Institute's Jeff Deist about libertarian opportunities in a post-Trump, post-COVID world. |
Sat, 31 July 2021
I got to know the brilliant financial mind Larry Lepard during the 2008 Ron Paul presidential campaigns, when at great personal expense he took out full-page ads for Dr. Paul in USA Today and the New York Times. Discussed today: the inevitable inflation and collapse of fiat that is coming, why not to invest in bonds, the relative merits of gold, silver, and Bitcoin. PlanB's "stock to flow ratio" and Bitcoin, Michael Saylor/Microstrategy's Bitcoin-holding "corporate treasury" strategy. When a Bitcoin ETF is coming. How Harry Browne's "permanent portfolio" approach might be adjusted in view of the looming problems with cash and bonds and the emergence of Bitcoin. Guest host Stephan Kinsella fills in for me. |
Thu, 29 July 2021
Guest host Stephan Kinsella talks to Shane Hazel about his growing awareness of liberty and Austrian economics while in the Marines in Iraq, his run for Senate on the Libertarian ticket in 2020 in Georgia and his role as "spoiler," his future plans to run for Governor of Georgia, and his proposals to fix the broken criminal justice system. |
Thu, 22 July 2021
The outstanding Gret Glyer, creator of the DonorSee philanthropy app, has made it possible for donors to see the results of their donations -- you can help fund someone's eye surgery, and you'll receive a video of the person seeing for the first time. Gret has some excellent news for us today and I know you'll all be excited to hear it. |
Sun, 18 July 2021
As a philosophy Ph.D. student at Yale University, Sarah Braasch found herself accused of a "hate crime" that a vicious and uninformed social media mob tried to destroy her over. |
Thu, 15 July 2021
Scott Horton, author of Fool's Errand, a study of the U.S. war in Afghanistan, joins us to discuss the end of the war, and what the U.S. can claim to have accomplished. |
Tue, 13 July 2021
Patrick Moore helped found Greenpeace but left the organization when he thought it had drifted into anti-science hysteria. In his new book Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom, he reviews case after case of scare stories that turned out to have nothing behind them. Special Offer: We love our monthly Happily date box — it's full of games, recipes, and activities that bring us closer together. With a different theme each month, it's something we're always thrilled to receive. Take 50% off your first date at |
Mon, 12 July 2021
The great libertarian comedian Andrew Heaton joins me for, well, a rather unusual but eminently worth-listening-to episode about the horrors of Los Angeles, with a little bit of libertarianism thrown in as well. |
Sat, 10 July 2021
Former Maine state senator Eric Brakey, who's now with Young Americans for Liberty, makes the case for why libertarians should be optimistic rather than pessimistic. Sponsor: Press House Coffee: Take 20% off your first order when you use promo code WOODS at |