The Tom Woods Show

Peter Klein and I critique a recent Salon article containing just about every leftist cliche about the rich ever uttered.

Direct download: woods_05_29_2015_2.mp3
Category:Talk Radio -- posted at: 8:35am EST

For the third year in a row, I was asked to speak on classical liberalism (libertarianism) to the 11th graders in my kids' school, in their Great Ideas course.

Direct download: woods_05_28_2015_3.mp3
Category:Talk Radio -- posted at: 12:55pm EST

James Madison biographer Kevin Gutzman joins Tom to critique the free course on The Federalist offered by the conservative Hillsdale College. Drop everything and listen to this.

Direct download: woods_05_27_2015_2.mp3
Category:Talk Radio -- posted at: 8:15am EST

The socialist disaster in Venezuela reminds our guest, Carmen Dorobat, of her native Romania during its communist period. Plus, we discuss protectionism at the World Trade Organization and other economic topics.

Direct download: woods_05_26_2015_2.mp3
Category:Talk Radio -- posted at: 10:46am EST

Predictions of doom, whether because of inadequate food, or acid rain, or poverty -- the list goes on and on -- have consistently been refuted by events. Matt Ridley makes an overwhelming case against the doomsayers, who are still very much with us.

Direct download: woods_05_25_2015_2.mp3
Category:Talk Radio -- posted at: 1:19pm EST

Tom speaks with Mateusz Machaj about the underlying reason Socialism will always fail.

Direct download: woods_05_22_2015_2.mp3
Category:Talk Radio -- posted at: 11:26am EST

Tom discusses the problems of Marxism with David Gordon.

Direct download: woods_05_21_2015_2.mp3
Category:Talk Radio -- posted at: 9:17am EST

Supporters of Barack Obama say his economic record is actually quite strong, and that right-wingers simply can't accept that. David Stockman, formerly of the Reagan administration, reduces these claims to rubble, and then destroys the rubble.

Direct download: woods_05_20_2015_2.mp3
Category:Talk Radio -- posted at: 11:45am EST

Amtrak doesn't need still more money. It needs to be cut off completely.

Direct download: woods_05_19_2015_2.mp3
Category:Talk Radio -- posted at: 12:37pm EST

Tom discusses the tradition of conscientious objection to war: its history, and its ongoing relevance.

Direct download: woods_05_18_2015_2.mp3
Category:Talk Radio -- posted at: 10:02am EST

Jeff Herbener and Tom review Bryan Caplan's article "Why I Am Not an Austrian Economist."

Direct download: woods_05_15_2015_2.mp3
Category:Talk Radio -- posted at: 10:25am EST

The so-called millennials were all too happy to pull the level for Obama, but the President represents everything that's making their lives miserable. Diana Furchtgott-Roth joins me to discuss the problems, and what if anything can be done.

Direct download: woods_05_14_2015_2.mp3
Category:Talk Radio -- posted at: 10:30am EST

Tom talks to business trainer and talk show host Josh Tolley about entrepreneurship, personal freedom, and how to get started.

Direct download: woods_05_13_2015_3.mp3
Category:Talk Radio -- posted at: 12:35pm EST

Finally, on episode 400, Tom -- joined by guest Michael Malice -- discusses Ayn Rand: her philosophy, the good and the bad about Rand and her ideas, Objectivism and libertarianism, and more.

Direct download: woods_05_12_2015_2.mp3
Category:Talk Radio -- posted at: 4:42pm EST

Tom discusses the Russian Revolution and its horrific aftermath, including the real-life consequences of instituting communist policy.

Direct download: woods_05_11_2015_3.mp3
Category:Talk Radio -- posted at: 8:33am EST

Richard Ebeling makes the case for free trade, and for skepticism about the Trans-Pacific Partnershp currently being negotiated.

Direct download: woods_05_08_2015_2.mp3
Category:Talk Radio -- posted at: 1:44pm EST

Here's the speech I gave at Ron Paul's Rally for the Republic in 2008. He held this event down the street from the Republican Convention, which was in the process that week of nominating John McCain. One of the most thrilling moments of my life.

Direct download: woods_05_07_2015_2.mp3
Category:Talk Radio -- posted at: 5:56pm EST

Scott Horton joins Tom to look at the ongoing controversy over the Iran nuclear agreement. Plus, Tom and Scott discuss the strategy that makes the most sense for Rand Paul.

Direct download: woods_05_06_2015_2.mp3
Category:Talk Radio -- posted at: 4:26pm EST

Today is the official launch of the Empire of Lies: The Ron Paul Documentary project. Ron Paul hasn't approved or collaborated with any such story of his life -- until now.

Direct download: woods_05_05_2015_2.mp3
Category:Talk Radio -- posted at: 1:41pm EST

If there's an economic phenomenon that terrifies all of official opinion, and even some free-market economists, it's deflation. Our guest, the author of a brand new book on the subject, strongly disagrees. Listen in!

Direct download: woods_05_04_2015_3.mp3
Category:Talk Radio -- posted at: 9:17pm EST

How do we reach people with our message? Michael Malice and I have another of our fun, free-flowing discussions.

Direct download: woods_05_01_2015_2.mp3
Category:Talk Radio -- posted at: 3:12pm EST