The Tom Woods Show

Luis J. Gomez is co-creator of the GaS Digital Network, which features the programs of Tom Woods Show favorites Dave Smith and Michael Malice. He grew up in very rough circumstances, but worked extremely hard from a young age. Now he's built an extraordinary network committed to free speech, and an excellent career as a comedian as well. This is probably one of my favorite episodes.

Show notes for Ep. 1418

Direct download: woods_2019_05_31.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm EDT

Walter Block, Jeff Deist, and I discuss various questions involving (among other things) libertarian strategy: what if anything we can do to advance the ideas we believe in. Plus: the significance of Ludwig von Mises, up-and-comers in the movement, and a lot more. We covered these topics on a panel at the 2019 state convention of the Libertarian Party of Florida (

Show notes for Ep. 1417

Direct download: woods_2019_05_30.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:56pm EDT

John Bush, a longtime activist I got to know during the Ron Paul presidential campaigns, began selling kratom after having had good results with it himself. Today we discuss kratom: what it is, what it can do, what the FDA thinks about it, what its legal status is, and the challenges associated with its sale. A great discussion!

Sponsor: Skillshare

Show notes for Ep. 1416

Direct download: woods_2019_05_29.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm EDT

Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders are proposing that interest rates on credit cards be capped, as a way of helping the poor. Would such a policy have that effect? I'm joined by Todd Zywicki, a professor of law at Antonin Scalia Law School at George Mason University, and who's an expert on consumer credit, to work through the answer. We also discuss the cronyism that keeps alternative institutions from issuing credit cards.

Show notes for Ep. 1415

Direct download: woods_2019_05_28.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00pm EDT

Michael and I conclude our discussion of his new book The New Right by treating issues like immigration, culture (where it comes from and why the left is winning), and plenty more.

Show notes for Ep. 1414

Direct download: woods_2019_05_24.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:30pm EDT

Michael and I discuss Buckley, Reagan, Christians who think America is Old Testament Israel, the media, and plenty of other juicy topics as we continue our discussion of his brand new book The New Right: A Journey to the Fringe of American Politics.

Show notes for Ep. 1413

Direct download: woods_2019_05_23.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:30pm EDT

I welcome Michael Malice back to the show to discuss "democracy," the system where the people's voices are heard -- or so the story goes.

Show notes for Ep. 1412

Direct download: woods_2019_05_22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:06pm EDT

On day two of Michael Malice week we discuss humor and the dissident Right: how it uses humor, whether some things are too serious to joke about, humor as an essential tool against the state, and more.

Sponsor: Policy Genius

Show notes for Ep. 1411

Direct download: woods_2019_05_21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:00pm EDT

Michael Malice joins me to discuss his new book on what he calls the "New Right," a disparate group of thinkers and activists who operate without a thought for Conservatism, Inc., who oppose progressivism not just on the margins but at its core, and yet who disagree among themselves with respect to a positive program.

Show notes for Ep. 1410

Direct download: woods_2019_05_20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EDT

The best band you've never heard of is Big Big Train, which Brad Birzer told me about for the first time on this very podcast. If you're used to conventional radio hits, your life is about to be improved, I promise you. You did not realize music could be this good. The great David Longdon, Big Big Train's lead vocalist, joins us for this episode. Guest co-host Brad Birzer of Hillsdale College and Progarchy joins me as guest co-host.

Show notes for Ep. 1409

Direct download: woods_2019_05_18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

At this year's state convention of the Libertarian Party of Florida, Mises Institute president Jeff Deist delivered remarks that I think are important, well stated, and to my mind completely convincing.

Show notes for Ep. 1408

Direct download: woods_2019_05_17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:38pm EDT

Rachel Fulton Brown, a professor of history at the University of Chicago, has been at the center of a controversy within medieval studies over race and "white supremacy" within the field. The New York Times recently published a report indicating that if anything the controversy is heating up.

Show notes for Ep. 1407

Direct download: woods_2019_05_16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EDT

In this keynote address to the state convention of the Libertarian Party of Florida, I consider the question: if our position is so compelling, why aren't we doing a better job of persuading people?

Show notes for Ep. 1406

Direct download: woods_2019_05_15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:44pm EDT

Richard Gamble of Hillsdale College examines Julia Ward Howe's Battle Hymn of the Republic -- its history and theology -- and how it fits into the American civil religion, whereby the United States government is the instrument of righteousness not only here at home but around the world as well.

Sponsor: Skillshare

Show notes for Ep. 1405

Direct download: woods_2019_05_14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:00pm EDT

Kristian Niemietz joins me to discuss the persistent attraction of socialism despite its terrible track record, and the excuses and apologias its supporters offer in order to justify their ongoing faith.

Sponsor: MVMT

Show notes for Ep. 1404

Direct download: woods_2019_05_13.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:00pm EDT

Randall Holcombe of Florida State University joins me to discuss what he calls "political capitalism," whereby the private and public sectors collaborate for their mutual benefit, and against the public interest. Sometimes the process is open and obvious, but more often it is hidden and obscure.

Show notes for Ep. 1403

Direct download: woods_2019_05_10.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:05pm EDT

Following up on a theme I raised with Professor Dan Moller in episode 1399 (if our ideas are so good, why aren't we more popular?), I want to address a related question, which has been thrown at us from time to time: if libertarianism is so great, why aren't there any pure libertarian countries?

Sponsor: Policy Genius

Show notes for Ep. 1402

Direct download: woods_2019_05_09.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00pm EDT

Gene Epstein joins me to respond to Bhaskar Sunkara's new book The Socialist Manifesto. (Sunkara was invited to participate, but declined.)

Show notes for Ep. 1401

Direct download: woods_2019_05_08.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:53am EDT

Alex Merced, Libertarian Party vice chair, takes questions submitted by my private Supporting Listeners group, the Tom Woods Show Elite ( on topics including the Johnson/Weld ticket, whether the LP should avoid presidential politics altogether, whether there's ever a case for not fielding an LP candidate in a particular election, and a lot more.

Sponsor: Away

Show notes for Ep. 1400

Direct download: woods_2019_05_07.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:29am EDT

Dan Moller, a philosophy professor at the University of Maryland, has just produced an intriguing, and to my mind compelling, new kind of argument against the welfare state. He takes on this issue in particular because it is one of the positions libertarians hold for which they are most demonized. His argument compels us to consider the question of how much we may legitimately shift our own burdens onto others, particularly without their consent.

Sponsor: Harry's

Show notes for Ep. 1399

Direct download: woods_2019_05_06.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:33am EDT

Big business has become a villain not just to the progressive left but also to the populist right and even to many libertarians, who think they see cronyism everywhere. Lost amid this climate of condemnation is a sober assessment of the true record of big business in improving our lives. Tyler Cowen gives us precisely that assessment: he is frank about the moral faults of big business, but he overwhelms us with arguments in its favor that most people have never heard. Result: an excellent book and episode.

Sponsor: Skillshare

Show notes for Ep. 1398

Direct download: woods_2019_05_03.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm EDT

Eric Peters was recently punished by Google for some of the content on his website, which covers news from the world of cars through a libertarian lens. Wait until you hear what the offending material was. Plus, Eric takes a fascinating array of listener questions submitted by members of my Supporting Listeners group (

Show notes for Ep. 1397

Direct download: woods_2019_05_02.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:30pm EDT

In this blast from the past from 2009, I'm interviewed by Alex Jones about central banking and the financial crisis.

Show notes for Ep. 1396

Direct download: woods_2019_05_01.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:30pm EDT