The Tom Woods Show

In this final episode of the Tom Woods Show for 2018, I'm joined by Michael Maresco (the "Ron Paul rider"), Bryan Thome of the Ron Paul Forums, and Jordan Page, musician of the Revolution. We exchange old stories, talk about what went right and what went wrong, and assess where we are today. Tremendous fun.

Sponsor: Skillshare

Show notes for Ep. 1310

Direct download: woods_2018_12_21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Scott Horton joins me to discuss the reality of the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria, and the hysterical establishment response, from center-left to center-right. We also discuss fears about the fate of the Kurds, whose safety has been used to justify a continued U.S. presence.

Sponsor: Blinkist

Show notes for Ep. 1309

Direct download: woods_2018_12_20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:42am EST

The Weekly Standard, a neoconservative magazine with a 23-year run, is dead. Longtime neocon slayer Paul Gottfried joins me to discuss the magazine, its editorial line, and its demise -- and what, if anything, it all means.

Show notes for Ep. 1308

Direct download: woods_2018_12_19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:41pm EST

Ron Paul says he can't think of a more prolific free-market economist in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis than my guest today, Bob Murphy. Today we follow Bob's personal and intellectual trajectory, from a high school student who knew he wanted to be an economics professor, to one of the most accomplished and widely praised economists working in the tradition of the Austrian School today.

Guest's Podcast: The Bob Murphy Show

Show notes for Ep. 1307

Direct download: woods_2018_12_18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:30pm EST

For lots of people the stock market seems hopelessly complicated, and people who discuss it seem to employ a strange lingo outsiders can never master. So today we answered a bunch of questions submitted by my Supporting Listeners. Guests today: Gene Epstein, formerly of Barron's and now director of the Soho Forum, and Alex Merced, vice chair of the Libertarian Party and a ten-year veteran of Wall Street. Sponsor: Away. Guests' Websites:

Show notes for Ep. 1306

Direct download: woods_2018_12_17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:42pm EST

Patreon is a platform that a lot of content creators use to raise money from appreciative fans who want to support them. But Patreon has joined the purge bandwagon, too. What alternative do people have? It turns out that cryptocurrency, and a brand new platform, are major pieces of that puzzle. Naomi Brockwell joins me to discuss.

Show notes for Ep. 1305

Direct download: woods_2018_12_14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:21pm EST

Stephan Kinsella, the libertarian theorist and author of "Against Intellectual Property", asked me the other day about my college admission experience. He and I each have a child in the tenth grade, so the topic of college comes up in our households. I didn't think I had much interesting to say about it, but we decided he would in effect host this episode and ask me questions. The resulting conversation turned out to be great!

Show notes for Ep. 1304

Direct download: woods_2018_12_13.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:30pm EST

Jason Manning, a professor of sociology at West Virginia University, has accomplished a feat I could never have matched: he's co-authored a scholarly and dispassionate overview of what he calls "victimhood culture," particularly as manifested on college campuses. He traces the origins of the phenomenon and the hysteria, exaggeration, one-sidedness, and intolerance that accompanies it. And he takes the discipline of sociology itself -- at least as studied and promoted today -- for cheerleading for a point of view rather than offering dispassionate analysis.

Show notes for ep. 1303

Direct download: woods_2018_12_12.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:49pm EST

The social media purge continues: Sargon of Akkad was just removed from Patreon despite not being an extremist by any definition. Today Michael Malice and I discuss the ongoing case of Gavin McInnes, who was just banned from YouTube after having been removed from other platforms. (His Proud Boys, critics claimed, was an extremist group.)

Show notes for Ep. 1302

Direct download: woods_2018_12_11.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:06pm EST

Feminist author Meghan Murphy, who had a large following on Twitter, was recently removed from that platform because of what appear to be fairly innocuous Tweets related to transgenderism, and even lost a book contract as well. The incident highlighted divisions among feminists regarding transgender issues.

Show notes for Ep. 1301

Direct download: woods_2018_12_07.mp3
Category:Talk Radio -- posted at: 8:38pm EST

In this episode I talk a bit about Trump, then about the cause of the boom-bust cycle, then entrepreneurship, and then public speaking.

Quite a potpourri -- and a darn good one, if I may say so. This episode is drawn from my recent appearance on the Justin Mohr Show.

Show notes for Ep. 1300

Direct download: woods_2018_12_06.mp3
Category:Talk Radio -- posted at: 10:44pm EST

David Stockman, who served as director of the Office of Management and Budget under Ronald Reagan, shares reflections and anecdotes about the late George H.W. Bush. We then discuss how the Fed, rather than trade deals, has been harming America. (And also: why I won our gentlemen's bet....)

Show notes for Ep. 1299

Direct download: woods_2018_12_05.mp3
Category:Talk Radio -- posted at: 9:00pm EST

With the passing of former president George H.W. Bush, we've heard much talk of his having been an underrated president. Daniel McCarthy joins me to offer his assessment.

Show notes for Ep. 1298

Direct download: woods_2018_12_04.mp3
Category:Talk Radio -- posted at: 5:59pm EST

Allen Mendenhall holds a Ph.D. in English from Auburn University as well as two law degrees (from Temple and West Virginia). He is an associate dean at Faulkner University's Thomas Goode Jones School of Law and executive director of the Blackstone & Burke Center for Law & Liberty.

Show notes for Ep. 1297

Direct download: woods_2018_12_03.mp3
Category:Talk Radio -- posted at: 7:54pm EST

Leah Farrow and Josh Griffin, co-hosts of the No Regerts podcast, join me to discuss the history of tattoos and the state, regulation and self-regulation, and a lot more.

Show notes for Ep. 1296

Direct download: woods_2018_12_01.mp3
Category:Talk Radio -- posted at: 12:19pm EST