Fri, 22 December 2023
David Stockman, who headed the Office of Management and Budget under Ronald Reagan, joins us to discuss the Trump economic record, both in terms of policy and results. Book Discussed: Trump's War on Capitalism Sponsors: Blinkist My listeners and I are going to make 2024 the best year we've ever had. Here's how: |
Thu, 21 December 2023
Gabriel Custodiet urges us not to make compromises for the sake of convenience. Guest's Book: The Watchman Guide to Privacy: Reclaim Your Digital, Financial, and Lifestyle Freedom Sponsors: Monetary Metals & CrowdHealth |
Wed, 20 December 2023
Jim Bovard is rightly a hero among libertarians for his outstanding journalistic work. In this episode we discuss everything from police dogs to the TSA to Section 8 housing and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Book Discussed: Last Rights: The Death of American Liberty Sponsors: DeleteMe: Take 20% off all consumer plans at, using code Woods. My listeners and I are going to make 2024 the best year we've ever had. Here's how: |
Thu, 14 December 2023
Alex Dresser lost two jobs and a potential spouse thanks to the Covid measures, and that's just for starters. The crazies used to accuse us of being grandma killers, but they themselves killed Alex's grandmother. He joins us to tell the kinds of stories the media and much of the public refused to hear. Books Mentioned: - Diary of a Psychosis: How Public Health Disgraced Itself During COVID Mania, by Tom Woods - Collateral Damage: Victims of the Lockdown Regime Tell Their Stories, by Tom Woods Sponsor: Supporting Listeners
Wed, 13 December 2023
Chris Maidment declared the endorsement of Nikki Haley by Americans for Prosperity as a betrayal of the organization's stated principles, and was promptly dismissed. Sponsor: DeleteMe: Take 20% off all consumer plans at, using code Woods. |
Tue, 12 December 2023
Scott Horton talks to Tom about Tom's new book, Diary of a Psychosis, and revisits some of the idiotic remarks and failed predictions by the so-called experts. Sponsors: Cheeky Maiden Soap: a family-run business operated by libertarian fans of the Tom Woods Show that makes all-natural soaps and other cleansers that you'll surely love. Take 15% off your order with code WOODS15 at |
Fri, 8 December 2023
The Heritage Foundation's Peter St. Onge joins us to discuss the problem of financial insecurity, as well as whether the national debt will ever really be a problem, whether rising prices are (as Joe Biden insists) caused by "price gouging," and more. Sponsors: Blinkist & Supporting Listeners |
Thu, 7 December 2023
Not everything has to be about politics but libertarians notice more and ask the right questions when traveling the world. Andrew Corbley joins us. Book Discussed: On the Face of It: A Traveler on His World Sponsors: Persist SEO & Monetary Metals |
Wed, 6 December 2023
Should speech the authorities deem to be "misinformation" be regulated or banned during emergency situations? To this day we hear some people saying yes -- even though yesterday's "misinformation" can quickly become today's consensus, and so much of the official guidance itself had to be abandoned as misinformation. Stanford's Jay Bhattacharya joins us. Sponsors: CrowdHealth & Policy Genius |
Fri, 1 December 2023
Javier Milei was elected president of Argentina with a pugilistic, populist style and a hardcore libertarian message. I discuss this startling development with attorney and author of Libertarianism Today Jacob Huebert, and Argentinian university student Octavio Bermudez, who has written extensively on the Milei phenomenon. Sponsors: Persist SEO & Monetary Metals |
Thu, 30 November 2023
The provocative James Delingpole joins us to discuss what the elites are up to, why they thrive on chaos, the political class as servants of the devil (metaphorically or otherwise), and plenty of other topics.
Wed, 29 November 2023
Now that the dust has finally settled, we have the leisure to return to the panicked days of early 2020 and reexamine what really happened. And it may not be quite what we think. Nick Hudson and Jonathan Engler join us. Sponsor: Cheeky Maiden Soap: a family-run business operated by libertarian fans of the Tom Woods Show that makes all-natural soaps and other cleansers that you'll surely love. Take 15% off your order with code WOODS15 at
Fri, 24 November 2023
Despite the atrocious condition of California, Governor Gavin Newsom has ambitions for higher office. Larry Elder discusses the real Newsom record, what's really happening in California, and what a sensible person might do to turn things around -- for California and for the country. Sponsors: Persist SEO & Liberty Classroom |
Thu, 23 November 2023
Gene Epstein and I discuss things we're thankful for, but nothing too sentimental. It's mostly the kinds of nerdy things that, if we're being honest, are what power the Tom Woods Show. Sponsor: Liberty Classroom
Wed, 22 November 2023
Peter Schiff assesses the true condition of an economy Paul Krugman says is great but whose greatness the rubes are too dumb to recognize. Sponsors: Blinkist & Monetary Metals
Fri, 17 November 2023
Wherever we turn, people who despise us are making our lives more difficult, whether that takes the form of higher energy prices, higher prices in general, vax mandates, a war for our children's minds -- the grim list goes on and on. Is the correct approach despair, indifference, political action, or something else? Kevin Dolan of Exit, and entrepreneur Kevin Stokes, join me to discuss. Website Discussed: The Tom Woods School of Life |
Thu, 16 November 2023
Author and retired economics professor Tom DiLorenzo, recently chosen to be the new president of the Mises Institute, discusses a variety of topics: how government agencies manipulate the public for bigger budgets, the problem with the "big business" chapter in your American history book, institutional rivalry in the libertarian world, and plenty more. Sponsor: Woods Mystery Party |
Wed, 15 November 2023
Clint Russell of Liberty Lockdown talks to me about Israel/Palestine, Vivek Ramaswamy, war and veterans, the Ron Paul legacy, problems in the libertarian world, whether Trump could win as a convicted felon, and plenty more. Sponsors: Cheeky Maiden Soap: a family-run business operated by libertarian fans of the Tom Woods Show that makes all-natural soaps and other cleansers that you'll surely love. Take 15% off your order with code WOODS15 at |
Thu, 9 November 2023
Architect Dino Marcantonio joins me to review the scourge of ugliness and what traditional architecture can do about it. Sponsors: Blinkist Cheeky Maiden Soap: a family-run business operated by libertarian fans of the Tom Woods Show that makes all-natural soaps and other cleansers that you'll surely love. Take 15% off your order with code WOODS15 at |
Wed, 8 November 2023
China is the one exception even for self-described noninterventionists. The threat from China must be countered. But how real is this threat? Joseph Solis-Mullen joins us to discuss. Sponsor: Policy Genius |
Tue, 7 November 2023
Vivek Ramaswamy joins us to discuss avoiding World War III, as well as his recent clash with other GOP candidates over free speech. Sponsor: Monetary Metals |
Fri, 3 November 2023
Millions of American Christians have come to believe in a heterodox theology according to which the physical return of the Jewish people to their ancestral lands is necessary to bring about the return of Christ and the end of the world. Furthermore, during the tribulation that will ensue, believers in this theology will be "raptured" into heaven and spared the unspeakable terrors that will then afflict the human race. This theological opinion would have been news to Augustine and St. Thomas, not to mention Martin Luther and the Protestant movement. Brent McGuire, senior pastor at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Dallas, sets the record straight. Sponsors: DeleteMe: Take 20% off all consumer plans at, using code Woods. |
Thu, 2 November 2023
John Staddon, professor emeritus of psychology at Duke University, discusses the significance of the "replication crisis" (when it was learned that a vast number of research papers had generated results that nobody could replicate), the problem with "peer review," the role of state funding in deforming science, and much more. Sponsors: DeleteMe: Take 20% off all consumer plans at, using code Woods. |
Wed, 1 November 2023
Daniel McAdams of the Ron Paul Institute joins us to discuss the various calls for further U.S. intervention in the Middle East, and what a plausible answer might be to this seemingly intractable conflict. Also, I do my best to steelman the Israeli position to get Daniel's response. Sponsors: Monetary Metals & CrowdHealth |
Fri, 27 October 2023
Dan McCarthy, vice president for the Collegiate Network at the Intercollegiate Studies Institute and editor of Modern Age, joins us to discuss a wide array of issues: how the Middle East affects the dynamics within the Democratic and Republican parties, the likely outcome of the DeSantis/Newsom debate, the issues that are hurting Joe Biden the most, and plenty more. |
Thu, 26 October 2023
About 200,000 new books are released every year. You have very limited time. Which ones should you read? Glenn Corey has done his homework: he's read a zillion of them and written up one hundred of them to help guide you in becoming informed as efficiently as possible. Book Discussed:
Wed, 25 October 2023
Alan Futerman, co-author of The Classical Liberal Case for Israel, and Jeremy R. Hammond, author of Obstacle to Peace: The U.S. Role in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, square off in a fruitful debate over the most contentious issue of the present moment. Guests' Books: - The Classical Liberal Case for Israel, by Walter Block and Alan Futerman - Obstacle to Peace, by Jeremy R. Hammond Previous Debates: - Ep. 1282 Should Israel Give Up Territory? Related Articles: - Walter Block and Alan Futerman, "The Moral Duty to Destroy Hamas" - Alan Futerman, Walter Block, and Rafi Farber, "The True Nature of the BDS Movement" - Jeremy Hammond, "What Was the Balfour Declaration of 1917 and Why Is It Significant?" - Jeremy Hammond, "The Myth of the UN Creation of Israel"
Fri, 20 October 2023
For years, Dr. Miriam Grossman has resisted the direction of her profession, which has adopted novel gender theories wholesale, and instead been a source of consolation and common sense for people and families caught up in transgender propaganda. Sponsor: Persist SEO |
Thu, 19 October 2023
Absolutely nobody asked for a Central Bank Digital Currency, but the central banks of the world seem determined to give them to us anyway. The great Dominic Frisby joins us to discuss their dangers, as well as to review what we need to know about gold and Bitcoin. Sponsor: Blinkist |
Tue, 17 October 2023
Scott Horton joins us to discuss the horrific Hamas attacks on Israel, but alongside commentary that might upset Ben Shapiro. Sponsors: The Tom Woods School of Life trains decent people to flourish and prosper in a world that hates them. Check it out at: The Tom Woods Street Team: |
Fri, 13 October 2023
Michael Rectenwald discusses his journey into and out of Marxism, where social justice nuttiness comes from, and the lure of military intervention. Sponsor: Monetary Metals |
Thu, 12 October 2023
Carrie Gress returns to review feminism's record, and it isn't pretty. Sponsor: Persist SEO |
Wed, 11 October 2023
Matthew Lysiak discusses the various interests that combined to substitute cheap, fake food for the real food Americans used to eat. A key driving force: trying to conceal the effects of inflation on food prices by persuading Americans to consume cheap -- and, it turns out, unhealthy -- alternatives. Sponsors: Monetary Metals & CrowdHealth |
Fri, 6 October 2023
So-called "Social Justice Warriors" believe a series of things that are demonstrably untrue, but they believe them with a religious fervor. The Libertarian Institute's Keith Knight and I are heretics here to smash those ideas. Sponsors: Blinkist & Persist SEO |
Wed, 4 October 2023
In one of the strongest episodes of this show ever, Terence Kealey, professor emeritus at Buckingham University and a research fellow of the Cato Institute, makes a stunningly powerful case for the separation of science and state. Sponsor: Policy Genius |
Fri, 29 September 2023
The Free State Project's Carla Gericke joins us with updates: RFK, Jr., on secession, bold moves in the New Hampshire legislature, the fate of the "Crypto 6," and plenty more. |
Thu, 28 September 2023
David Stockman, director of the Office of Management and Budget under Ronald Reagan, walks us through current stupidities, his conclusions after studying 20th-century American economic history, and how he ended up working in the Reagan Administration. |
Wed, 27 September 2023
I invited Gavin Wax, president of the New York Young Republican Club, and Steve Deace, host of The Steve Deace Show on The Blaze, to hash it out. Sponsors: |
Fri, 22 September 2023
The singer who goes by the name Oliver Anthony took America by storm with his unexpected hit "Rich Men North of Richmond." He correctly identified the villains in America -- not rich people as a class, but a specific group of unjustly rich people. At the same time, the powers that be are not shaking in their boots that someone singing "Ain't Got a Dollar" is popular among the masses; that's exactly the mentality they want the masses to have. John Bush joins us to talk this all through, as well as to discuss his personal story of going from borderline desperation to success. Guest's Course: Bitcoin Basics for Boomers and Beginners Sponsors: |
Thu, 21 September 2023
Typically when people seek the origins of woke ideology, they point to this or that philosopher or philosophical movement. Richard Hanania says the answer is far more mundane: it is a direct result of the idiosyncratic twists and turns of civil rights law. Thus wokeism is in fact a creature of the state. Book Discussed: The Origins of Woke: Civil Rights Law, Corporate America, and the Triumph of Identity Politics |
Wed, 20 September 2023
Paul Gottfried joins me to discuss the Anti-Defamation League, which has garnered quite a bit of additional attention because of its ongoing feud with Elon Musk. Sponsor: The Tom Woods School of Life trains decent people to flourish and prosper in a world that hates them. Check it out at: |
Fri, 15 September 2023
Joseph Ladapo, surgeon general of Florida, holds his MD from Harvard Medical School and his Ph.D. in health policy from Harvard's Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. In 2019 he was entirely within the so-called mainstream of medicine, but the way Covid was handled opened his eyes to some grim truths about his field. Book Discussed:
Thu, 14 September 2023
Alex Epstein warns of what a "climate emergency" would mean, and pours cold water on the hysteria. Sponsors: |
Wed, 13 September 2023
Journalist Rav Arora, who hosts the Illusion of Consensus podcast with Stanford's Jay Bhattacharya, discusses being shut out of outlets that once published him because during Covid he took being a dissident a little too far for them. Guest's Substack (with Jay Bhattacharya): The Illusion of Consensus (take 10% off a subscription at this link) Sponsors: CrowdHealth & Policy Genius |
Fri, 8 September 2023
In mental health people talk about "cognitive distortions" that must be overcome for the person's mental condition to improve. CJ Killmer of the Dangerous History Podcast contends that many cognitive distortions accurately describe the effects that propagandists seek to induce in the minds of their subjects. |
Thu, 7 September 2023
The great Wanjiru Njoya of the University of Exeter joins us to discuss "antiracism," whether Boers should worry about people singing "Kill the Boer," and the development of "hate studies" as a discipline. Sponsor: Monetary Metals: |
Wed, 6 September 2023
We often hear it said that feminism had noble origins that mysteriously degenerated into the more absurd forms it takes today. Is it possible that something was rotten about it from the start? Carrie Gress joins us to discuss several early feminist thinkers and the biographical and intellectual details that the usual story excludes. Book Discussed: The End of Woman: How Smashing the Patriarchy Has Destroyed Us
Thu, 31 August 2023
Comedian and podcaster Dave Smith, fresh from his tenth appearance on Joe Rogan's podcast, joins us to discuss the craft of comedy, plus the uncertain and oddball 2020 race. |
Wed, 30 August 2023
John Lott, who runs the Crime Prevention Research Center, discusses the multiple fabrications contained in a single presidential Tweet. Sponsor: Expat Money Summit |
Tue, 29 August 2023
The Mises Institute's Tho Bishop joins us for a look at last week's clash of non-Trump GOP candidates and what it means for 2024 and beyond. |
Fri, 25 August 2023
Scott discusses the China/Taiwan issue, a little bit about Ukraine, his forthcoming book, and a specific thing we can all do for the cause. Libertarian Institute fundraising drive: |
Thu, 24 August 2023
Perry Metzger argues that AI will prove to be an immense boon to mankind, and that the apocalyptic warnings are misplaced. Sponsor: Expat Money Summit |
Wed, 23 August 2023
Larken Rose discusses his new film, Jones Plantation, and how the ruling powers throughout history have manipulated people into thinking they're free. Sponsor: StartMail - Film Website: |
Fri, 18 August 2023
Tom Mullen makes use of his experience in the health insurance industry as well his personal experience as a caretaker for family members to conclude that the unscientific approach of mainstream medicine is nothing new. |
Tue, 15 August 2023
Mikkel Thorup, host of the Expat Money Show, has lived all over the world and traveled widely. He's an expert on the various issues involved with becoming an expat, as well as measures short of expatriation (second passports, international banking, etc.). We discuss some of those issues, including the value of having a Plan B in case the SHTF. Guest's Event: Expat Money Summit |
Mon, 14 August 2023
Dr. Pierre Kory of the Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance discusses the Ivermectin controversy, why the critics are all wet, the sad state of medical research, and what could be causing all those excess deaths. Book Discussed: The War on Ivermectin: The Medicine That Saved Millions and Could Have Ended the Pandemic |
Fri, 11 August 2023
Laurie Calhoun joins me to discuss what we should have learned over the past three years. |
Thu, 10 August 2023
Paul Gottfried joins me to discuss a new book by neoconservative Matthew Continetti that the establishment loves. It's a history of American conservatism told in a way that will please the media: the history of American conservatism is a history of respectable people trying to push away people whose opinions are outside the allowable range. Sponsor: Ever thought about becoming an expat, or just looking into second passports? The Expat Money Summit, hosted by Expat Money Show host Mikkel Thorup, is for you. Get your free ticket by clicking here. Book Discussed: The Right: The Hundred-Year War for American Conservatism, by Matthew Continetti |
Tue, 8 August 2023
David Hathaway was elected sheriff of Santa Cruz County in Arizona by a landslide, after alleged experts warned him that his opposition to Covid restrictions would cost him the election. In this episode we catch up with him on how things have been going. |
Fri, 4 August 2023
Gary Chartier joins me to make a vigorous case against the naive confidence in the state, and the reflexive assumption that the state is necessary to foster the common good, that we hear from all too many Christian thinkers. Book Discussed: Christianity and the Nation State: A Study in Political Theology |
Wed, 2 August 2023
The federal government won't outright ban internal combustion engine vehicles; it will simply set mileage standards that no such car can meet. And that's what's happening. Eric Peters discusses the situation, the drawbacks to electric cars (though he is fine with people who prefer them) and whether there's any jumping off this train. Article Discussed: |
Tue, 1 August 2023
Jennifer Sey was brand manager at Levi's and in line to become the company's first-ever female CEO when her dissident views on Covid began the process of her departure from the company. We discuss her background as a champion gymnast, her work in pre-woke corporate America, and what comes next. Book Discussed: Levi's Unbuttoned: The Woke Mob Took My Job But Gave Me My Voice |
Fri, 28 July 2023
Within a month, both Nigel Farage in the UK and Joseph Mercola in the United States had their bank accounts closed for obviously ideological reasons. Dominic Frisby joins us to discuss what it all means. |
Thu, 27 July 2023
![]() In this discussion with Michael Rectenwald, we cover a wide variety of topics: RFK, Jr., the Ayn Rand Institute, Ayn Rand herself, the useless Covid mitigation measures, the forgotten stories of people who suffered during lockdown, what we can do apart from complaining and woe-is-meing, and my strategy for productivity. |
Tue, 25 July 2023
Josh Hammer, host of the Josh Hammer Show and senior editor-at-large of Newsweek, joins me to discuss cracks in the DEI edifice and where we should be heading. |
Thu, 20 July 2023
The demographic implosion will have wide-ranging and devastating consequences around the world. Kevin Dolan joins us to discuss. Guest's Conference: Learn a Language: |
Wed, 19 July 2023
We've heard plenty about the condition of many American cities, suffering under the consequences of crippling interventions. What if we could try a free city here and there, and see if its good example can do some good? Reason's Zach Weissmueller gives us an example from Honduras of precisely that. Sponsor: StartMail - Email privacy is so important: your emails contain financial info, health info, login info, etc., and the emails you send with your "free" service are like open postcards, accessible to cybercriminals, companies, and even government agencies. Reclaim your privacy with StartMail, and take 50% off your first subscription year at |
Tue, 18 July 2023
Eric July thought there were major problems with the major comic book companies. When he started his own -- Rippaverse -- the naysayers said it was impossible. Until he generated seven figures in about a day. Today he joins us to discuss how he did it. |
Sat, 15 July 2023
Conservatives complain about the extremes to which the civil rights revolution has been taken, but almost none of them dare to go to the root. In the traditional American conservative way, they eventually come to celebrate the very thing they once deplored, and then wonder why they keep losing. Jesse Merriam joins me to discuss the true ramifications of Brown vs. Board of Education. This is a discussion you cannot have in mainstream America today because you would be engaged in serious thought and constitutional analysis and the other side would be screaming slogans at you. But the conversation has to take place somewhere. Learn a Language: |
Thu, 13 July 2023
Tho Bishop joins us to look at what's going on, primarily between Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis, in the Republican Party, where people who just six months ago were fans of both men, have come to despise each other. |
Wed, 12 July 2023
Gene Epstein discusses themes covered in his recent debate with David Friedman on the merits of the nonaggression principle, and whether libertarianism can and should do without it. |
Tue, 11 July 2023
Investigative journalist Tracy Beanz joins me to review Missouri v. Biden, where the Biden White House is being taken to task for ordering the suppression of dissident ideas. |
Fri, 7 July 2023
A conversation about how to resist evil in an American context takes unexpected turns. |
Wed, 5 July 2023
Connor Boyack and Elijah Stanfield discuss the pitiful state of knowledge of U.S. history and what can be done about it. |
Mon, 3 July 2023
Entrepreneur and GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy discusses the Supreme Court's smackdown of our alma mater, along with his views of the Espionage Act, Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, and Ross Ulbricht, and other issues. Monetary Metals: If you're a listener of the Tom Woods Show, chances are you have some gold. But if you're just sitting on it, you're leaving money on the table. At Monetary Metals your gold earns interest that compounds over time. I've been using it for a while now, and the great Jeff Deist, formerly of the Mises Institute, just joined their team. Start your account at: |
Fri, 30 June 2023
The convoluted array of rules and regulations and requirements that runs through the various pieces of civil rights legislation, executive orders, and the 14th Amendment, have alternatively required and now prohibited quotas in college admissions. |
Thu, 29 June 2023
Jim Bovard, referred to by the Wall Street Journal as "the roving inspector general of the modern state," discusses the various accusations against the Bidens and the various efforts to cover them up. Monetary Metals: If you're a listener of the Tom Woods Show, chances are you have some gold. But if you're just sitting on it, you're leaving money on the table. At Monetary Metals your gold earns interest that compounds over time. I've been using it for a while now, and the great Jeff Deist, formerly of the Mises Institute, just joined their team. Start your account at: |
Wed, 28 June 2023
Jacob Huebert, president of the Liberty Justice Center, a public-interest law firm, joins us to discuss his work against the crazy law in California that muzzles doctors who dissent from whatever the consensus is on Covid, as well as against the Covid mandates themselves. Monetary Metals: If you're a listener of the Tom Woods Show, chances are you have some gold. But if you're just sitting on it, you're leaving money on the table. At Monetary Metals your gold earns interest that compounds over time. I've been using it for a while now, and the great Jeff Deist, formerly of the Mises Institute, just joined their team. Start your account at: |
Tue, 27 June 2023
The Libertarian Institute's Keith Knight joins me to revisit some of the tall tales we learned in school (or in the newspapers). Learn a Language: My Columbia University French course was a complete waste of time -- they just barked French words at me, refusing to teach any grammar, because that was the fashion at the time. Rocket Languages does both -- you learn how to understand the spoken word through dialogues, and then (if you want) you can check out the grammar lessons that run alongside. But the dialogues don't depend on those lessons, so you can learn just by driving in your car. The Woods household owns and loves three of their courses. Check them out at |
Fri, 23 June 2023
In this potpourri episode covering a bunch of current topics I talk about the RFK Jr. candidacy and the reaction to it. |
Thu, 22 June 2023
Kevin Duffy joins us to discuss whether this is a passing issue or a serious problem. |
Wed, 21 June 2023
Gerard Casey, professor emeritus at University College, Dublin, answers this common criticism of libertarianism. Sponsors: CrowdHealth - Monetary Metals: If you're a listener of the Tom Woods Show, chances are you have some gold. But if you're just sitting on it, you're leaving money on the table. At Monetary Metals your gold earns interest that compounds over time. I've been using it for a while now, and the great Jeff Deist, formerly of the Mises Institute, just joined their team. Start your account at: |
Tue, 20 June 2023
Comedian and Family Feud host Steve Harvey calls my guest, Henry Bingaman, the "best damn writer I've ever worked with." Today Henry joins us to talk about a strategy that more and more people are following (and for good reason) for surviving and thriving even in today's economy. Sponsors: DeleteMe: With the threats of getting doxxed, or suffering identity theft, or having data brokers distribute your information, there's no time like the present to keep your private information private -- and that's what DeleteMe can do for you. Take 20% off all consumer plans at, using code Woods. StartMail: Email privacy is so important: your emails contain financial info, health info, login info, etc., and the emails you send with your "free" service are like open postcards, accessible to cybercriminals, companies, and even government agencies. Reclaim your privacy with StartMail, and take 50% off your first subscription year at |
Fri, 16 June 2023
Saifedean returns today so we can discuss more issues, including the economics of energy, how genuine free-market economists handle "externalities," and what capitalism is really all about. Sponsor: With the threats of getting doxxed, or suffering identity theft, or having data brokers distribute your information, there's no time like the present to keep your private information private -- and that's what DeleteMe can do for you. Take 20% off all consumer plans at, using code Woods. |
Thu, 15 June 2023
The great Saifedean Ammous joins us to discuss his most recent work, Principles of Economics, which in the course of teaching this venerable discipline eviscerates the bad guys. |
Wed, 14 June 2023
Dan McCarthy joins us to discuss Trump's legal troubles, the state of the two major parties, the right and wrong way to look at the war in Ukraine, and more. Sponsor: If you're a listener of the Tom Woods Show, chances are you have some gold. But if you're just sitting on it, you're leaving money on the table. At Monetary Metals your gold earns interest that compounds over time. I've been using it for a while now, and the great Jeff Deist, formerly of the Mises Institute, just joined their team. Start your account at: |
Tue, 13 June 2023
The great Brad Birzer, Russell Amos Kirk professor of American studies at Hillsdale College, joins us for an outstanding discussion of some of the great works of modern literature and film (and even music), and why your spirit needs them. Sponsor: If you're a listener of the Tom Woods Show, chances are you have some gold. But if you're just sitting on it, you're leaving money on the table. At Monetary Metals your gold earns interest that compounds over time. I've been using it for a while now, and the great Jeff Deist, formerly of the Mises Institute, just joined their team. Start your account at: |
Sat, 10 June 2023
Ryan McMaken, executive editor at, joins me to discuss three issues in the news. Sponsor: Hurry and get Dad what he wants for Father's Day: steaks. Omaha Steaks has an amazing 60% off deal with its Dad's Favorite Grill Pack. Get four bacon-wrapped fillets, four delicious boneless chicken breasts, four boneless pork chops, four gourmet franks, four made-from-scratch caramel apple tartlets, and eight free Omaha Steaks burgers on top of it all. Head to and enter WOODS in the search bar to get all this for just $99.99. |
Thu, 8 June 2023
If they tell you they had nothing to do with the 2008 financial crisis, be assured it was actually their fault. If they say they mitigated the effects of Covid, be confident that they worsened them. I discuss this and other issues -- including the idea behind my forthcoming book, my first in nine years -- with my friend Alan Mosley. Sponsor: Hurry and get Dad what he wants for Father's Day: steaks. Omaha Steaks has an amazing 60% off deal with its Dad's Favorite Grill Pack. Get four bacon-wrapped fillets, four delicious boneless chicken breasts, four boneless pork chops, four gourmet franks, four made-from-scratch caramel apple tartlets, and eight free Omaha Steaks burgers on top of it all. Head to and enter WOODS in the search bar to get all this for just $99.99. |
Wed, 7 June 2023
Libertarian Danny Hudson discusses how the COVID lockdowns led him to start his own company, the regulatory hurdles he faced, and the success he's had. Sponsor: Hurry and get Dad what he wants for Father's Day: steaks. Omaha Steaks has an amazing 60% off deal with its Dad's Favorite Grill Pack. Get four bacon-wrapped fillets, four delicious boneless chicken breasts, four boneless pork chops, four gourmet franks, four made-from-scratch caramel apple tartlets, and eight free Omaha Steaks burgers on top of it all. Head to and enter WOODS in the search bar to get all this for just $99.99. |
Tue, 6 June 2023
Gene Epstein just appeared in a debate in which he defended principled libertarianism against charges of greed and disdain for the week. It was a crushing victory. We walk through his arguments. Sponsors: If you're a listener of the Tom Woods Show, chances are you have some gold. But if you're just sitting on it, you're leaving money on the table. At Monetary Metals your gold earns interest that compounds over time. I've been using it for a while now, and the great Jeff Deist, formerly of the Mises Institute, just joined their team. Start your account at: Policy Genius - |
Fri, 2 June 2023
The Reagan Administration's David Stockman joins me to discuss the continuing failure to deal with spending and debt, and what he would have done differently in Kevin McCarthy shoes. Sponsor: For Father's Day, spare Dad the neckties and socks, and get him what he really wants: steaks. Use promo code WOODS at to take $30 off your order. Minimum order may be required. See site for details. |
Thu, 1 June 2023
Naomi Brockwell get specific in discussing the why and how of Internet privacy, whether it's email, your browser, using a VPN, you name it. Sponsor: CrowdHealth - |
Wed, 31 May 2023
Gerard Casey, professor emeritus of philosophy at University College Dublin, joins me for a wide-ranging discussion of what libertarians should do when states already exist, whether "the consent of the people" means anything, and a lot more. Sponsor: For Father's Day, spare Dad the neckties and socks, and get him what he really wants: steaks. Use promo code WOODS at to take $30 off your order. Minimum order may be required. See site for details. |
Tue, 30 May 2023
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., will be speaking at the Free State Project's Porcfest event this year and has asked for no guns in the audience for his talk. Should libertarians object? The Free State Project's Carla Gericke joins me to discuss that and other controversies as she and her fellow Free Staters strive to create a freer society in the here and now. Sponsor: For Father's Day, spare Dad the neckties and socks, and get him what he really wants: steaks. Use promo code WOODS at to take $30 off your order. Minimum order may be required. See site for details. |
Fri, 26 May 2023
The brilliant Stephen Wolfram joins us to explain the inner workings of ChatGPT and then to discuss the prospects of AI in general. Sponsor: For Father's Day, spare Dad the neckties and socks, and get him what he really wants: steaks. Use promo code WOODS at to take $30 off your order. Minimum order may be required. See site for details. |
Thu, 25 May 2023
Paul Gottfried joins me for a wide-ranging discussion of the central principles of conservatism and libertarianism, whether libertarianism is equipped for the present moment, what the role of "natural law" is, and plenty more. |
Wed, 24 May 2023
Auron MacIntyre joins me to analyze Trump and DeSantis, as well as RFK, Jr., and how much of the electorate is voting left no matter how bad the candidate is. Sponsor: For Father's Day, spare Dad the neckties and socks, and get him what he really wants: steaks. Use promo code WOODS at to take $30 off your order. Minimum order may be required. See site for details. |
Tue, 23 May 2023
Germinal G. Van returns to discuss the sweeping changes to American society and economy during the 1930s and 1960s. Sponsor: For Father's Day, spare Dad the neckties and socks, and get him what he really wants: steaks. Use promo code WOODS at to take $30 off your order. Minimum order may be required. See site for details. |
Fri, 19 May 2023
Entrepreneur and GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy discusses his influences, the public health establishment, the drug war, the FBI, affirmative action, and much more. |