Thu, 8 July 2021
Back in March a series of raids were carried out on various properties throughout New Hampshire, with six people arrested on charges connected with cryptocurrency activity. The legal outcome could help to establish whether Bitcoin is a currency or an asset, a question that has implications for IRS taxing power vis-a-vis Bitcoin. Aria DiMezzo, one of the six under indictment, joins me to discuss. |
Thu, 8 July 2021
"Antifa is an idea, not an organization," we're told. Well, that "idea" sure seems to burn down a lot of buildings, doesn't it? Jack Posobiec joins me to discuss the violent movement that the media makes excuses for or ignores. Sponsor: Save yourself the time and hassle of going to the Post Office, and get discounts on postage, with Get a four-week free trial plus free postage and a digital scale when you go to, click on the microphone at the top right of the screen, and type code WOODS. |
Tue, 6 July 2021
The national debt grows larger and larger, and yet the average person doesn't perceive any negative consequences. Does it really matter? Gene Epstein joins us to review precisely why it does. |
Tue, 6 July 2021
Author Germinal G. Van, who emigrated to the United States from the Ivory Coast in 2010, joins me to discuss significant episodes in the recent economic history of black America. |
Fri, 2 July 2021
Documentary filmmaker Steve Oldfield joins me to discuss his new film on how the media and its celebrity accomplices joined forces to try to destroy an innocent kid. Sponsor: Happily - |
Thu, 1 July 2021
![]() A member of my Supporting Listeners group suggested that I revisit the old Ron Paul days (the 2008 campaign in particular) for the sake of the young folks who weren't around for them and don't understand how significant they were. I've got some pretty detailed recollections here that I'm sure you'll enjoy. And since next month at the Young Americans for Liberty event I'll be on a panel commenting on the great For Liberty documentary about the 2008 campaign, the time seemed right to do this. Extraordinary things happened in those days. Enjoy. |
Wed, 30 June 2021
A journalist in the UK, heartened by the US reopening, hopes it will spur his countrymen into opposition and in favor of freedom. Sponsor: Press House Coffee: Take 20% off your first order when you use promo code WOODS at |
Tue, 29 June 2021
Michael Boldin reflects on 15 years of the Tenth Amendment Center, which he founded in 2006. For 15 years Boldin and the Center have brought a perspective into American life that would otherwise have been absent. The Center's boldness has occasionally provoked rebukes from D.C. think-tanks that prefer we adopt loser strategies that never win, in order not to annoy the New York Times. Sponsor: We the People Holsters are custom molded to fit your exact firearm for a quick, smooth draw. With thousands of options to choose from plus a selection of custom printed holsters you're sure to find just the right fit for your lifestyle. Take $10 off with code woods10 at |
Tue, 29 June 2021
Well, here's an interesting non-coincidence: the people in public life who have been the best on COVID just happen to have come out of the Ron Paul movement. Then, I announce my latest project, which is a doozy -- and something we all need. |
Fri, 25 June 2021
Peter McCormack joins me to discuss good Bitcoin news from El Salvador, less favorable news from China, the electricity and volatility questions, and more. |
Thu, 24 June 2021
James Lindsay joins me to discuss what Critical Race Theory is, what its flaws are, and what we should do about it. Sponsor: Cheeky Maiden Soap is a family-run business operated by libertarian fans of the Tom Woods Show that makes all-natural soaps and other cleansers that you'll surely love. Take 25% off your order with code WOODS at |
Tue, 22 June 2021
This is one of my punchiest episodes. It features Joshua Smith, At-Large member of the Libertarian National Committee. Enjoy. |
Mon, 21 June 2021
Adam Curry, former MTV VJ and current co-host of the popular podcast No Agenda, joins me to discuss getting red-pilled in a blue-pilled industry, the importance of the alternative media, and what's about to happen to the music world. |
Sat, 19 June 2021
Nzube Udezue, popularly known as Zuby, first came to my attention because of his excellent Twitter commentary on COVID that he'd been writing for his 420,000+ followers. Turns out he's fascinating and great on everything. Born in England, he spent much of his youth in Saudi Arabia, and began making music while a student at Oxford. Here's how much we had to talk about: we didn't even get to COVID, which must be a record for the Tom Woods Show. Sponsor: Press House Coffee: Take 20% off your first order when you use promo code WOODS at |
Thu, 17 June 2021
We've been raised to think of the state as a social service agency, or as the institution through which we govern ourselves, or any of a variety of comforting myths about what the state really is. In this episode we drop the cutesy propaganda and get down to reality. |
Wed, 16 June 2021
To make a long story short: with the apparent blessing of the chair of the national party, the chair of the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire purged her executive committee, replaced it largely with people who had been defeated at the previous convention, and absconded with the social media accounts and donor data. Even if you don't agree with people, you don't/can't do this, and of course it only shows that opposition to the status quo in the party has grown so strong that only by cheating can they cope with it. Caryn Ann Harlos, secretary of the Libertarian National Committee, joins me to discuss what's going on. |
Tue, 15 June 2021
Mark Skousen has published a successful investment newsletter, Forecasts & Strategies, for over 40 years. I ask him the kind of questions I myself want answered, and then we move on to (if you can believe it) some good news. |
Mon, 14 June 2021
In this episode I review the COVID craziness with the UK's James Delingpole. We also discuss where certain libertarians might have done a teensy bit better on this issue, and a bunch of other things. This episode is taken from my appearance on the Delingpod, the podcast of James Delingpole. |
Fri, 11 June 2021
Marco Bassani joins us again to discuss the two competing theories of what the United States is/are/was/were, and why this matters to us even today. Sponsor: Save yourself the time and hassle of going to the Post Office, and get discounts on postage, with Get a four-week free trial plus free postage and a digital scale when you go to, click on the microphone at the top right of the screen, and type code WOODS. |
Fri, 11 June 2021
Marco Bassani of the University of Milan discusses the debate over the Constitution and what was really at stake. |
Wed, 9 June 2021
Another potpourri discussion with historian Brion McClanahan, in which (among other things) we discuss barbarians who demand that the names of people the regime disapproves of need to be removed from this or that. Sponsor: We the People Holsters are custom molded to fit your exact firearm for a quick, smooth draw. With thousands of options to choose from plus a selection of custom printed holsters you're sure to find just the right fit for your lifestyle. Take $10 off with code woods10 at |
Tue, 8 June 2021
The great historian Brion McClanahan joins me once again for some random but (if I may say so) darn good questions, including the perennial "favorite (or least bad) presidents" one. |
Mon, 7 June 2021
Brion McClanahan and I discuss the ideas of Thomas Jefferson that the political and academic classes despite. |
Fri, 4 June 2021
Everyone except CNN and MSNBC is talking about the recently released pile of Dr. Fauci emails, obtained by a Freedom of Information Act request. I talk about what stands out to me. |
Thu, 3 June 2021
Vijay Boyapati, who left his job with Google to support the Ron Paul 2008 presidential campaign, just released an excellent new book, which can be appreciated by the novice and advanced student alike, laying out the prospects for Bitcoin and addressing common concerns. I throw a lot of layman questions at him in this episode. |
Wed, 2 June 2021
Paul Kengor, author of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Communism, joins me to discuss the crimes of communism, why people don't know about them, the "that wasn't real communism" argument, and a lot more. Sponsor: We the People Holsters are custom molded to fit your exact firearm for a quick, smooth draw. With thousands of options to choose from plus a selection of custom printed holsters you're sure to find just the right fit for your lifestyle. Take $10 off with code woods10 at |
Tue, 1 June 2021
Here's the specific, step-by-step answer to the claim that "deregulation" caused the financial crisis of 2008. Sponsor: CoinBits App is an ingenious way to make investing in Bitcoin easy and painless, both technically and financially. Automatically round up your purchases to the nearest dollar and automatically invest the difference in Bitcoin. Check it out at |
Mon, 31 May 2021
We don't want to live in a world in which our kids grow up believing that Dr. Fauci and his interventions saved the world, but that's what can happen if a false narrative takes root. Likewise, if people think "deregulation" caused the last financial crisis, that's going to lead people to make dumb decisions in the future. So we're going into detail on this, to smash it once and for all. |
Fri, 28 May 2021
Donald Devine joins me for a series of warnings, intended for left and right alike, about using government to transform society according to your preferred pattern. |
Thu, 27 May 2021
Michael Malice's latest book, The Anarchist Handbook, made it all the way to #1 among nonfiction books on Amazon. He accomplished this feat with no publisher, no marketing department, and not even a book launch. This is worth talking about. |
Wed, 26 May 2021
I've known Jeff Shipley since the 2008 Ron Paul days. He's been keeping the flame of liberty alive in the Iowa state legislature for years. He's made some predictable enemies and some unlikely friends, so we're checking in on how it's going. |
Tue, 25 May 2021
Bill Buckley once said, "I would rather be governed by the first 2000 names in the telephone directory than by the Harvard University faculty." Kathryn Huwig joins me to discuss the state of COVID, and this idea hovers over the whole discussion. |
Sat, 22 May 2021
Marco Bassani of the University of Milan joins me to discuss the idea of the modern state -- centralized, one and indivisible, exercising a monopoly on violence over its territory, with no subdivisions having rights of their own that trump those of the central state. We also discuss an incident at his university that will sound sadly familiar to American listeners. |
Fri, 21 May 2021
The outspoken Rep. Anthony Sabatini -- who was more anti-lockdown than Ron DeSantis, who favors marijuana legalization, and -- is arguably the most notorious member of the Florida legislature, and he talks with me about 2020, what DeSantis should do next, what happens when you cross the GOP leadership, and more. Sponsor: CoinBits App is an ingenious way to make investing in Bitcoin easy and painless, both technically and financially. Automatically round up your purchases to the nearest dollar and automatically invest the difference in Bitcoin. Check it out at |
Thu, 20 May 2021
The Libertarian Party's Mises Caucus, which wants tough, radical messaging on lockdowns, war, the Fed, and other important issues on which dissent from establishment thought is rare, continues to make gains. |
Wed, 19 May 2021
For months, left-liberals have pretended that Florida Department of Health employee Rebekah Jones was a "whistleblower" whose house was raided because she refused to fudge Florida's COVID numbers. It was always a ridiculous story, but in recent days it has completely collapsed. |
Tue, 18 May 2021
With the CDC's recent statement about the vaccinated (they can go about their lives as before) the scaffolding of the COVID regime is seriously wobbling. Now big stores feel free to announce that "the vaccinated may enter without masks" and by the way "we won't be asking if you're vaccinated." I also discuss the COVID masks/lockdowns quiz I created to show people that you can't tell the difference between places that went for this stuff hard, and places that didn't. |
Sat, 15 May 2021
With the CDC saying that vaccinated people may return to their pre-pandemic restrictions, it's been interesting to observe the crazies' response: having been propagandized and terrorized for 14 months, they're not about to drop their masking and distancing and insanity just because the body they've been screaming at us to listen to is now telling them they can. Sponsor: Merk Investments - |
Fri, 14 May 2021
23-year-old New Hampshire state representative Tim Baxter discusses COVID and his fight against vaccine passports. |
Thu, 13 May 2021
Antony Sammeroff, author of Universal Basic Income: For and Against, and co-host of the Scottish Liberty Podcast, joins me to discuss his travels throughout the U.S. and around the libertarian movement during a kind of exile from COVID-insane Scotland. |
Wed, 12 May 2021
![]() In this unique episode, Professor Jeff Herbener and I explain why the economy goes up and down in boom-bust cycles (hint: it's not the fault of "capitalism"), but we describe it in three ways: how we would explain it to a graduate student, a teenager, and a 5-year-old. Sponsors: & |
Tue, 11 May 2021
What you learned in fifth grade about government employees being wise public servants innocently pursuing the common good is a fairy tale, and once you see that, you never look at the world the same way again. C-SPAN covered this speech I delivered in Montana that was attended by the governor, the two senators, and other dignitaries. I gave the same rip-roaring speech against government power I would have given under any other circumstances. Enjoy! |
Sat, 8 May 2021
If you were part of the Ron Paul Revolution in 2008 and/or 2012, you'll remember the great Jordan Page, who opened for so many Ron Paul events. We're going to walk down memory lane a bit and revisit those amazing times, but also discuss what Jordan is up to these days, including his new song against the commies. Sponsor: If you're interested in investing in crypto but it all seems like Greek to you, you'll love John Bush's course Demystifying Crypto: How to Buy, HODL, & Multiply Your Cryptocurrency. You'll learn how to buy and securely hold your crypto -- and how to prosper with it. Sign up at |
Fri, 7 May 2021
Tho Bishop of the Mises Institute discusses the treatment of dissident voices and what our correct strategy should be. Sponsor: If you're interested in investing in crypto but it all seems like Greek to you, you'll love John Bush's course Demystifying Crypto: How to Buy, HODL, & Multiply Your Cryptocurrency. You'll learn how to buy and securely hold your crypto -- and how to prosper with it. Sign up at |
Thu, 6 May 2021
Some of the most vile so-called libertarians imaginable ran the Libertarian Party of Nevada for years. During 2020 they didn't think it was worth bothering speaking about the lockdowns -- why, we can't contradict Dr. Fauci! Why, he's an expert, and only cranks contradict the experts! And so on in that vein. But last weekend actual libertarians swept every last one of the crazies from office. Charles Melchin, the new state chair, joins us to tell the story, as well as to discuss what's ahead for the Nevada LP. Sponsor: Merk Investments - |
Wed, 5 May 2021
Southern historian Brion McClanahan joins me to discuss John C. Calhoun, the American historical figure everyone is supposed to hate, along with D.C. statehood and court packing. |
Tue, 4 May 2021
I spend some time on (and name representatives of) milquetoast libertarianism, and also cover "cancel culture," what libertarians ought to think of COVID/Fauci, and a lot more juicy stuff. Thanks to Reed Coverdale of the Naturalist Capitalist. Sponsor: If you're interested in investing in crypto but it all seems like Greek to you, you'll love John Bush's course Demystifying Crypto: How to Buy, HODL, & Multiply Your Cryptocurrency. You'll learn how to buy and securely hold your crypto -- and how to prosper with it. Sign up at |
Sat, 1 May 2021
Adam Schneider, eCommerce consultant to the Libertarian Party's Mises Caucus, reports on the ongoing severity of Canadian lockdowns, along with high-profile cases of resistance. Sponsor: If you're interested in investing in crypto but it all seems like Greek to you, you'll love John Bush's course Demystifying Crypto: How to Buy, HODL, & Multiply Your Cryptocurrency. You'll learn how to buy and securely hold your crypto -- and how to prosper with it. Sign up at |
Fri, 30 April 2021
F.H. Buckley, a professor at George Mason University's law school, joins us to discuss curiosity -- a topic that may itself appear curious, and yet turns out to be at the heart of so much that's wrong with the world, and with ourselves. Sponsor: If you're tired of doom and gloom in your financial analysis, Merk Research offers a balanced, unbiased approach to the market and economy. Get a three-month free trial of their material at |
Thu, 29 April 2021
In recent episodes I have called on documentary filmmakers to embark on the ultimate anti-Fauci project: a documentary covering COVID and the absurd response. And although it should include the charts that tell the story, it should also tell real stories -- human-interest stories of people who were devastated by the lockdowns. Well, I'm happy to report that a group of talented filmmakers will be doing precisely that, and in today's episode one of them joins us to lay out his vision. |
Wed, 28 April 2021
My friend and co-author Kevin Gutzman joins us to discuss the original function of the Supreme Court and what has happened since, including the Democrats' latest attempt at court packing. |
Tue, 27 April 2021
Instead of just complaining about YouTube's arbitrariness, Jeremy Kauffman created a better platform: Odysee. |
Sat, 24 April 2021
Sheriff David Hathaway of Santa Cruz County, Arizona, joins me to discuss what it has been like being sheriff since late last year. Sponsor: If you're tired of doom and gloom in your financial analysis, Merk Research offers a balanced, unbiased approach to the market and economy. Get a three-month free trial of their material at |
Fri, 23 April 2021
Track coach Brad Keyes of New Hampshire's Pembroke Academy was fired recently for refusing to force his athletes to use masks while racing outdoors, citing (among other arguments) the virtually unanimous opinion these days that outdoor mask wearing is unnecessary. |
Wed, 21 April 2021
I recently read an editorial in Modern Age by editor Dan McCarthy arguing that progressivism's strength is only apparent, and in fact its prospects are not nearly as great as we think. I'd love to believe this. I talk through it in this episode. |
Tue, 20 April 2021
The Chicago School of Milton Friedman and the Austrian School of Ludwig von Mises and F.A. Hayek differ in important ways, and although individuals from both schools have made important contributions to the free society, it's important that we recognize these differences and choose accordingly. |
Sat, 17 April 2021
Stanford's Jay Bhattacharya covers a wide range of issues in this episode: asymptomatic transmission and how common (or otherwise) it is, how concerned people should be about the variants, what the prospects are for fall and winter, YouTube censorship, what his opinions are of the vaccines, the problems with "vaccine passports," and more. |
Fri, 16 April 2021
John Bush joins us for an overview of the importance of Bitcoin and his recommendations for beginners. |
Thu, 15 April 2021
Jeff Perry and Logan Davies of Voluntaryism in Action join us to discuss private solutions to poverty and distress. Sponsor: If you're tired of doom and gloom in your financial analysis, Merk Research offers a balanced, unbiased approach to the market and economy. Get a three-month free trial of their material at |
Tue, 13 April 2021
Michael Malice joins us to exchange strategies for introducing ideas (like ours) that will likely shock people who have never encountered them before. It's a great discussion as usual. |
Mon, 12 April 2021
The multitalented Eric July, who's a successful musician and libertarian content creator, joins us for a potpourri episode on SJWs in the comic book world (including a recent matter involving Jordan Peterson), music in COVID times, and how he built a lifestyle where work seems like leisure. |
Sat, 10 April 2021
We face a paradox: the most cowardly people in our society constantly trumpet their alleged bravery. The bravest people, meanwhile, are the ones held in the most contempt. Let's sort this out. |
Fri, 9 April 2021
With things getting crazier and more disturbing by the day, we need to think seriously about building our own institutions. In this episode I give Liberty Classroom, my educational subscription website, as an example. But the time may come for some of us where the institution we need to build is our own independent livelihood. And here again Liberty Classroom, as a subscription service, is a useful model to consider. The great Stu McLaren is the expert on all this, and he joins us both for a pep talk and to instruct us. Guest's Workshop: |
Thu, 8 April 2021
Our old friend John Tamny of joins us to discuss the economic folly that accompanied the coronavirus panic. |
Wed, 7 April 2021
The great Saifedean Ammous joins us to discuss current trends in Bitcoin, whether it's in a "bubble," what its advantages are, what the future may hold, and why all of this should matter to libertarians. |
Tue, 6 April 2021
In this episode, podcaster James Jenneman (of Blackbird with James Jenneman) draws out quite a bit from ol' Woods about my books and work, the virus craziness (not too much about that, though), my productivity, mindset advice, my secret business adviser, the problem of making politics into a religion, and more. Sponsor: If you're tired of doom and gloom in your financial analysis, Merk Research offers a balanced, unbiased approach to the market and economy. Get a three-month free trial of their material at |
Fri, 2 April 2021
Dave Smith, host of Part of the Problem, joins us to discuss vaccine passports and the response from the Libertarian Party and two of its state affiliates. |
Thu, 1 April 2021
What is the process by which countries develop economically? It used to be assumed that government-to-government transfers were indispensable. That view has fallen somewhat out of favor, but there are still plenty of errors in the way some economists think about this question. Shawn Ritenour, professor of economics at Grove City College and author of a forthcoming book on development economics, joins us for the right answer. |
Wed, 31 March 2021
Anthony Fauci, although perhaps known to public health specialists and an advisor to numerous White Houses, was largely unknown to the American public until early 2020. Since then, his stature has been elevated to the point that many people equate his name with science itself, at least in terms of the virus. Steve Deace, co-author of a new book on Fauci, asks the questions and gives the answers we won't see in the New York Times. |
Tue, 30 March 2021
The heroic Nick Hudson of (Pandemics -- Data and Analytics) recently spoke at an investment conference held by South Africa's and laid out the point-by-point case against the insanity. |
Sat, 27 March 2021
Gene Epstein joins us to refute a Dean Baker article claiming that another reason to raise the minimum wage is that it has not kept pace with increases in productivity. Gene has the numbers, as usual. Sponsor: If you're tired of doom and gloom in your financial analysis, Merk Research offers a balanced, unbiased approach to the market and economy. Get a three-month free trial of their material at |
Fri, 26 March 2021
Patrick Reasonover joins me to discuss They Say It Can't Be Done, a documentary about four extraordinary innovations -- for example, a 3D printing technology with the potential to eliminate the organ waitlist -- that have run into a common roadblock: regulation. |
Thu, 25 March 2021
The brilliant and heroic Ivor Cummins, whose COVID work has been outstanding and thorough, returns to deliver more truth. |
Wed, 24 March 2021
Marc Morano returns to the show to discuss the craziness of the Green New Deal, which turns out to be even worse than you thought. |
Tue, 23 March 2021
Kathryn Huwig has been providing excellent COVID analytics pretty much from the beginning, and her work has laid bare the science-free hysteria of Ohio COVID policy. Her recent remarks before the Ohio state house, where she challenged the Ohio public health establishment to identify where on her graph of ICU occupancy the various mitigations were introduced, crushed them. |
Sat, 20 March 2021
Gary Chartier, who has written on the subject of friendship from a philosophical and theological perspective, joins me to delve into what friendship means, and whether we can or should be friends with people whose opinions we strongly oppose. |
Fri, 19 March 2021
We're familiar with the arguments regarding why Christians should view the state in a positive light. Are there countervailing arguments? (You know the answer!) Gary Chartier joins me to discuss. |
Thu, 18 March 2021
Gary Chartier and I discuss why it's incorrect to claim that the market economy is opposed to Christian ethics. |
Wed, 17 March 2021
The term "left-libertarian" is sometimes used colloquially to refer to libertarians who favor cultural trends that are generally described as left wing, but it has a more precise and interesting meaning. Gary Chartier, my favorite left-libertarian, joins us to discuss it. |
Tue, 16 March 2021
Gary Chartier is a polymath who has made contributions to theology, philosophy, business ethics, and legal theory. He joins me this week to delve into some of these topics. This first episode deals with Gary's own ideological journey (which included an appearance on Wally George's Hot Seat, the outrageous right wing commentary program from the 1980's). |
Sat, 13 March 2021
The story of state nullification of unconstitutional federal laws goes almost completely untold in most textbooks. If a sliver of it is told, it is told only in caricature and in a completely uncomprehending way. I literally wrote the book on the subject, so in this episode I review the history and constitutionality of this important remedy. |
Fri, 12 March 2021
John Osterhoudt of Reason TV joins me to discuss the important direct primary care movement among physicians, which has brought price transparency and much lower costs to American health care. |
Thu, 11 March 2021
Pedro Adao went from nothing to having an 8-figure business in under two years, during COVID, and he did it using the kind of technique that was available to no one even a generation ago. It's the kind of technique that as soon as you hear it, you know it works. Here's exactly how to take 2021 technology and use it to boost your existing business or make a big splash with a brand new one. Sponsor: The Tuttle Twins children's book series introduces important ideas -- like peace, the division of labor, and social cooperation -- to a young audience. Check them out at |
Wed, 10 March 2021
Ian Miller's heroic charts tell the story of the failure of the fashionable motivation measures against COVID, so I'm glad to have a chance to talk to him in today's episode. |
Mon, 8 March 2021
I think this one is self-explanatory, but let me add this: this episode begins with reference to three academic papers that make preposterous, blue-pilled claims about COVID, and which were funded by a major libertarian organization. Let's shine a light on this. |
Sat, 6 March 2021
This week I spoke in southern California to a group of people who capable of reading charts, and who are determined to be normal and live lives worthy of human beings. I laid out the roots of the division between COVID rationalists and COVID panickers. Enjoy. Free eBook Mentioned
Thu, 4 March 2021
Tom DiLorenzo, recently retired as a professor of economics at Loyola University Maryland, recently wrote an article called "America's Stalinist Universities" that looked at the uniformity of thought and the hostility toward dissident voices to be found on most American college campuses. |
Wed, 3 March 2021
Economist Bob Murphy joins me for a discussion of what really caused the Great Depression (it wasn't "capitalism") and bad explanations for what cured it. |
Tue, 2 March 2021
It's getting crazy out there, folks. Connor Boyack, creator of the Tuttle Twins children's book series, joins me to discuss how intense the ideological battle is getting, and how we can equip young people with the intellectual tools to resist sophistry and propaganda. |
Sat, 27 February 2021
Andrew Heaton joins us to discuss a popular recent proposal and the harms -- many of which are unknown to its proponents -- that it will surely cause. Sponsor: If you're tired of doom and gloom in your financial analysis, Merk Research offers a balanced, unbiased approach to the market and economy. Get a three-month free trial of their material at |
Fri, 26 February 2021
Patrick and Jessica Harold, owners of Woodchips BBQ in Michigan and longtime Tom Woods Show listeners, stood up to the lockdowners -- as all too few businesses have. They share their story in this episode. |
Thu, 25 February 2021
New Hampshire state legislator Melissa Blasek discusses her transition from quiet private citizen to outspoken, pro-freedom representative. Sponsor: ClickUp is the fastest growing productivity tool that's saving everyone one day a week by replacing work apps and bringing your tasks, docs, goals, chat, and more into a single place. ClickUp is free forever, so sign up today at |
Wed, 24 February 2021
John Lee Dumas, host of the Entrepreneurs on Fire podcast, discusses some of the common themes he's encountered after interviewing 3000 entrepreneurs. |
Tue, 23 February 2021
The Super Bowl was supposed to be a so-called superspreader event, or as Dr. Fauci put it, a series of mini-superspreaders in the form of Super Bowl parties in people's homes. in this episode I review what actually happened, and then draw some further conclusions about some of the sources of hysteria. |
Sat, 20 February 2021
Is Iran on the verge of acquiring nuclear weapons, or is the case against Iran just propaganda? Scott Horton joins us to discuss. Sponsor: If you're tired of doom and gloom in your financial analysis, Merk Research offers a balanced, unbiased approach to the market and economy. Get a three-month free trial of their material at |
Fri, 19 February 2021
Scott Horton and I discuss themes in the "War All the Time" chapter of his new book Enough Already: Time to End the War on Terrorism. Sponsor: Lucy Nicotine, with their gum and lozenges, is an excellent way to stop smoking. Take 20% off any of their products when you use promo code WOODS at |
Thu, 18 February 2021
Most of us believe the United States should stay out of Syria, but know few of the details beyond that. Scott Horton joins us for a masterclass on the subject. |
Wed, 17 February 2021
Scott Horton joins us for a retrospective on the 2003 war in Iraq: the stated reasons, the real reasons, the conduct of the war, and the results. |
Tue, 16 February 2021
Scott Horton joins us for a discussion of the pre-9/11 roots of the War on Terror, including Jimmy Carter's policies in Afghanistan and Iran, the Iran-Iraq War, and more. |
Sat, 13 February 2021
Author Jeremy Hammond joins me to discuss the bizarre phenomenon we are observing today, where statements backed up by solid evidence get you in trouble, while mindlessly repeating obvious nonsense gets you celebrated. Sponsor: ClickUp is the fastest growing productivity tool that's saving everyone one day a week by replacing work apps and bringing your tasks, docs, goals, chat, and more into a single place. ClickUp is free forever, so sign up today at |